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Funniest/Unusual moments *possible Spoilers*

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 2:41 pm
by Louis
I am just curious about so the intersting things ppl have down in the game.

In my last game the black dragon at the elven city cast Insect plague at
jahiera. The problem was I was out of dispels, healing potions and healing magic. And jahiera would not have survived the spell had it her. So with boots of speed I ran around area with a swarm of insects chasing her as i was had the rest of my party fight and kill the Dragon, after the dragon died the swarm still chased her, so had her running around while I looted the dragon.
With all that running I thought Khalid had possesed her.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 3:33 pm
by Rogue
The Adventurers in Abizigal's lair, it made me laugh hard, heh, prolly because it was so stupid, but ya know, anyways, I'll let ya see it for yourselves, it's worth it.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 3:42 pm
by Kayless
Those Adventures definetly have my vote as well. Of course the Spectator Beholder is great too. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 4:30 pm
by fable
My favorite funny moment is from SoA, in the Eyeless Beholder Quest. It's when you're confronted by the spirit at the broken bridge. He asked my party (in my first game) a multiple choice question, and Minsc, being Minsc, chose to respond in my stead--wrongly, of course, as the spirit in deadpan let me know, bringing forth shadow attackers. I almost lost the battle, I was laughing so hard! I love it when my party actually takes control of events away from me, at times--which is why I still think the original Jagged Alliance was a better game, in some respects, than JA2. The mercs in the original JA would do things *in spite* of your instructions, while the mercs in JA2 simply had their own voices and words of response. Big difference. :)

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 5:10 pm
by HighLordDave
In ToB, Imoen and Aerie had this conversation:

Aerie: I have a question for you, Imoen . . . you have the taint of Bhaal within you? Does this mean that you will turn into the Slayer as well?

Imoen: I certainly hope not. I . . . I've been thinking more and more lately about that, myself, though.

A: It must be an awful feeling. I can't imagine how Voontak Xur [me] deals with it.

I: Yeah . . . he's been living with it longer, too. Sometimes, when it's quiet . . . I can almost hear the taint in my heart whispering to me. It says awful things and I almost want to scream to shut them out.

A: (gasp!) You . . . you haven't done anything it's said, have you?

I: Well . . . other than that time I got up in the middle of the night to snatch a bag full of cinnamon cookies, heck no.

A: Oh,goo- . . . what? Cinnamon cookies?

I: Ha ha! O, come on, Aerie! Lighten up, willya? I'll tell ya what . . . if I have any desires to murder you in the middle of the night, you'll be the first to know, okay?

A: That's not very funny, Imoen. Voontak Xur never makes fun of his condition in that way.

Voontak Xur: Well, it's been so much easier since I discovered all the Slayer really wants is a sandwich . . .

A: Oh, fine. Everyone seems determined to make fun of me. I'll stand back here, thank you.

My next favourite exchange was between Minsc and Aerie:

Minsc: After frolicking in a bush we now consider to be of suspicious nature, both Boo and I have contracted the Calimsh-ite Itch in rather . . . private places. A salve would be joyously anticipated.

Aerie: I . . . I . . . ah, I'll do what I can, Minsc.

Minsc: Many thanks, Aerie! Soon, maybe, Boo can return his little mind to thoughts of butt-kicking instead of butt-itching, and I for one shall be very relieved.

[ 07-12-2001: Message edited by: HighLordDave ]

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2001 9:15 pm
by koz-ivan
lol at the insect plague! i've done the same thing, too bad there was no pool of water to jump into like in the cartoons.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2001 11:32 am
by fable
I seem to recall having Korgan use those Boots of Speed to outrace an attempt at control when my party entered the prison dimension. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2001 12:35 pm
by humanflyz
Here's two favorite moments from me:

SoA: Jan became sort of Minsc-like and scared the s*** out of Minsc and then Jan finally tells him it's a joke.

ToB: The adventurers, I think the leader's name is Bondari. When I changed into the Slayer and the screen displayed "Bondari reloads", I was on the floor laughing like crazy.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2001 2:57 pm
by DĂșnadan
I had decided to complete the Twisted Rune quest at about level 11, so I entered and through sheer luck killed most of the gang, so that only the mage was left. I sent my assassin out with his Boots of Speed and sent everyone else into the far corner of the entrance room. The mage, upon spotting me, quickly summoned her Pit Fiend, which proceeded to tear her apart while I ran back to hide in the room, seeing as how I lacked any weapons that could damage it. Several minutes later, I stupidly crept out to see if the coast was clear, when the Fiend rushes at me. My thief and the demon spend the next five (real time) minutes chasing each other around the table like two kids playing tag, until the thing finally vanishes and lets me reap the fruits of my efforts.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2001 3:11 pm
by Aegis
Watching Irenicus being defeated by a horde of white rabbits in Hell using the limited wish spell. It was pure gold.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2001 4:19 pm
by nael
my favorites would be between the adventurers or cespanar saying, "DOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM, say it, 'DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM'!!!!!" I don't know why that cracked me up so bad, i may have been really drunk.
i also had a great experience where i think it was imoen who said after we were gettign slaughtered by soemthign or another, it was just me and her left and she chimes in with her, "i don't feel like i belong here"

Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2001 11:16 pm
by Nick_Dude
I was never chased by an insect plaugue, but I was chased in the same manner by a Storm of Vengeance. It was quite funny. ;)

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 4:05 am
by gladiool
i came back from the underdark and went to the waukeens promenade, where i met those githianki trying to get their blade back.
When we started fighting the little gnome/dwarf thats always yelling for the adventure market takes his hammer out and start pounding one of the githianki, and kills it. Then he starts yelling again. help from an unexpected corner.

[ 07-15-2001: Message edited by: gladiool ]

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 12:34 pm
by rapier
Cespenar is damn funny:
Bhaal once drop hammer on big, godly toe. Jump around and swear for days he did, kicked poor me all the way to Baator; very bad week that!

Um-de-dum-dum...Ooo! I think i sees bracers of goody-two-shoesness!

Gotta love the little guy!

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 8:41 pm
by pip
well this is not within the game itself but my room mate loves Minsc so he recently took one of Minsc's phrases and attached it to the sound the recycle bin makes when something is deleted from it. So anytime he deletes something you have Minsc's voice saying "Feel the backhand of Justice!!!"

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2001 8:49 pm
by rapier
Originally posted by Lorsadan:
<STRONG>well this is not within the game itself but my room mate loves Minsc so he recently took one of Minsc's phrases and attached it to the sound the recycle bin makes when something is deleted from it. So anytime he deletes something you have Minsc's voice saying "Feel the backhand of Justice!!!"</STRONG>
Hehe, good one...

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 3:33 pm
by tlibro
OK, this just happened to me. I was at the last battle and had just defeated Mellissan for the 2nd time. Before the battle, Viconia summoned a Fallen Planetar. The Planetar was "confused" during the battle. I finally defeated Mellissan and was in the process of resurrecting Korgan when the Planetar cast a spell and killed my main character!!! I don't know what spell it was but he was just standing there, and then he was DEAD. I had to reload and do the whole fight over again because I was waiting until Korgan was back to life before I saved :-( What a pain in the neck that was. I still don't know what spell the Planetar cast to kill my main guy. Once I got over the shock and figured out what happened, I thought it was pretty funny.

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2001 4:00 pm
by fable
Maybe it was Massive Carpal Tunnel. I hear that's pretty deadly.

And just for the record, yes, that's a joke.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 4:10 pm
by Nacho
I was trapped in the Planar Sphere when Jaheira, who had just left my party to go with the Harpers, came by and asked me to rejoin the party. I then told Valygar to get lost and he said he'd return to his cabin in the mountains.

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2001 4:12 pm
by tlibro
Originally posted by fable:
<STRONG>Maybe it was Massive Carpal Tunnel. I hear that's pretty deadly.

And just for the record, yes, that's a joke.</STRONG>
Thanks Fable, but you don't have to explain yourself to me. I knew it was a joke :-) I think it cast Globe of Blades and my character failed his saving throw and took 10d10 damage. That's the only thing I can figure.