Possibly one of the GrayFace patches adds map markers, but I don't know much about those yet. I've only learned of them recently. From looking at the patch info below, it looks like the answer is no.
Don't use the Mok patches for the GoG version. GrayFace is the better path since it does not add a CD check.
New in version 1.8:
[+] Stereo MP3 support.
[+] DataFiles lookup can now be disabled. (DataFiles option)
[-] Removed buggy character switching amoung slots with Ctrl + click.
Other changes:
[+] Multiple Quick Saves. (see below for details)
[+] You can change controls. (see below for details)
[+] F2 toggles Double Speed mode. DoubleSpeedKey option controls the key.
[+] TurnSpeedNormal and TurnSpeedDouble options control speed of smooth turning. Default is 100% for normal speed and 120% for double speed.
[+] PlayMP3 option lets you play MP3 files instead of CDAudio. Default is 0 (disabled). (see below for details)
[+] MusicLoopsCount option controls loops count of music. Set it to 0 for infinite loop.
[+] InventoryKey option lets you open character's inventory screen by pressing 'I' instead of clicking a character portrait. Set it to 0 to disable.
[+] ToggleCharacterScreenKey opens or closes character screen. The default key is '~'. Set it to 0 to disable.
[+] FreeTabInInventory lets you select dead characters by Tab key while in character screen. Default is 1 (enabled).
[+] Recovery Time value is displayed in Attack and Shoot descriptions.
[+] No Death Movie option makes your death quicker by disabling the movie. Default is 0 (disabled).
[+] When you right click on character's experience it shows level to which the character can train and experience needed to train to level after that. Just like in MM7 and MM8.
[+] ReputationNumber shows numerical reputation value together with category name. Default is 1 (enabled).
[+] NoCD option. Default is 1 (enabled). Note that it works only if Anims folder of the game contains both video files in it.
[+] HorsemanSpeakTime and BoatmanSpeakTime options control time needed for horseman or boatman to say "Let's go" before new map starts loading.
[+] Extracted files from icons.lod (except pictures) are loaded from DataFiles folder. Useful for modders. (see below for details)
[+] Loads all .dll files from ExeMods directory (this is used by MMExtension and you can use it to add your patch).
[+] Improved errors reporting. (see below)
[+] BlasterRecovery option controls minimal blasdter recovery time. Default is 5. Game default was 0.
[-] MSS32.dll bugs fixed by using a newer version of it. The bugs are: With original version the game didn't run on some systems producing SHRINKER.ERR file with "Pager initialisation error 2" in it. With version from Mok's patch the game could hang when you enter lords' castles or a movie show up.
[-] You could drink from fountains multiple times if all party members are inactive.
[-] You could attack with inactive party members.
[-] FixDualWeaponsRecovery fixes wrong recovery time calculation for characters wielding a weapon in second hand. Dual-wielding was useless before the fix due to doubled recovery time. After the fix it works as in MM7 and MM8.
[-] Now all sounds are stopped when MM6 is deactivated.
[-] AlwaysRun effects turning in turn-based mode now.
[-] Town Portal pauses the game now.
[-] Now you can have gaps between save slots. Save and Load would target the same slot anyway.
[-] Walk Sound disappearing problem fixed.
[-] No need to set compatibility on Win XP anymore.
[-] Some scrolls were endless if you use them on paper doll in turn-based mode.
[-] Inactive characters could use scrolls.
[-] When using a scroll by right click on a character portrait target was chosen automatically. Thus, scrolls like Stone to Flash couldn't be used that way.
[-] Now scrolls sets the game on pause when used on paper doll. This also disallows picking up items while choosing spell target.
[-] Improved Angel's Bootlag Bay circus fix. It didn't work in some circumstances.
[-] One of circus buildings in Bootlag Bay didn't have an entrance texture.
[-] 'Increases rate of Recovery' enchantement now works. IncreaseRecoveryRateStrength controls how much it increases the rate. Default is 10%.
[-] Fixed a game bug which could cause a crash on game start.
[-] Turn-based turn used to take twice as much time as it should.
[-] Smack video volume used to be loud no metter what Sound Volume you set.
[-] Now items that didn't fit into a chest appear in it when you free space for them and reopen the chest. (FixChests option)
[*] Added Smuggler's Guild in Free Haven. It was planned by MM6 developers, but not included in the map file.
[*] Newer versions of MSS32.dll and Smackw32.dll are used always.
Changes by Angel <mailto:angeldeath29@mail.ru> (
??????? (Angel Death's page))
[-] Bootlag Bay circus fixed.
Changes of Mok's patch:
[+] AlwaysRun option enables running. If you press Shift you'll walk. Default is 1 (enabled). Always disabled before the patch.
[+] Caps Lock key will toggle running/walking if CapsLockToggleRun option is 1. Default is 0 (disabled). (the option to control this was added in GrayFace Patch).
[+] FlipOnExit option turns your party when you exit a building. Default is 0 (disabled). Always enabled before the patch.
[+] LoudMusic option sets the maximum volume of in-game CD Music to maximum of your normal Windows CD Audio Volume Slider. Normally the game sets it to half the volume which is too quiet for some setups. Default is 0 (disabled). Always disabled before the patch.
[-] Fixed broken doors in Shadow Guild and Kriegspire Castle.
[-] Fixed shield and armor recovery (Thanks to Mike Kienenberger for the fix).
[-] Fixed CD Audio initialization. Music will play even if CD2 isn't in the first CD-ROM drive in your system.
[-] Buggy harddrive free space check removed.