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Why the Murderous Rampage?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 1:58 pm
by dragon wench
In all the time I've spent playing Morrowind I've seen a lot of posts clearly indicating that many people have a tendency to hack everything and everyone they encounter into little bits...even if said NPC or creature does not attack them first.
And then sometimes such individuals find they can't complete quests as a result...

Now, although I don't usually do it myself, I can fully understand the interest in cold-blooded murder for the purpose of "liberating" good equipment.. but what I don't quite grasp is the need to run around killing everything in one's path simply for the sake thereof. I mean, as it is, it seems almost everything wants to attack you already, so why go around provoking even more fights?

So... I'm curious, why all the largescale homicide? :D Thoughts? Insights?

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 2:37 pm
by mr_sir
I go on killing sprees occasionally, but only when there is some benefit to my character - like he/she is evil and is the kind of person that will take whatever they want regardless of consequences. I never do this the first run through of a game though as in later run throughs you know who should not be killed. To be honest though, I get far more enjoyment from playing a more good and noble character than a psychopath, or a good natured thief who only kills when attacked first or while trying to escape etc.

I think killing sprees can have their place in rpgs, but only when roleplaying a psychotic serial killer :laugh:

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 2:39 pm
by AmpaSand
I think it is part of the lets see if i can clear vivec psyc. I only kill things which attack me as i reaised so many quests are around and involve so many people

Posted: Sat May 19, 2007 8:06 pm
by mysticknight182
There's a subtle difference between killing mobs and murdering NPCs. Maybe it's just me, but I was the same way when I played Everquest years ago... there, the best thing to do was to sneak parties of the hated races (Trolls, Dark Elves, Iksars, etc.) into human cities and just massacre all of the guards, merchants and other NPCs. Whereas I don't neccessarily approach Morrowind in the same manner, that is, I don't kill everyone who mutters "Outlander" or some other negatively-themed comment when I walk by, there is a probability of me sneaking up with my sword and looking for the "Critical Damage" message on those damned merchants and other NPCS who say things like "Faction Members only, Redguard" or who otherwise give me a bad attitude. In this regard, I can still play a "noble good guy" character, just one who also demands respect from the NPCs, after all, I am busting my tail trying to save their world from Dagoth Ur, despite being an Outlander. So, least they can do is be nice to me... and... if not... they might get bumped off. :)

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 1:48 pm
by Coot
To indiscriminately massacre npc's is disturbing, uncivilized and sick. I strongly feel that games like Morrowind should only be played with adult supervision. If that's not possible, parents should at least check once a week if Fargoth is still alive - in ALL saved games.

Me, I kill only when I have no choice. When I'm backed into a corner or surrounded. Or when the npc is an Altmer. Or wearing extravagant shoes. :D

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 3:10 pm
by Fiberfar
I usually don't provoke fights with people just to kill them. Of course, when you happen to find a daedric dai katana on a random guy on a plantation and he's all alone, he was really asking for it :D

I do tend to make my characters as murderous as possible though. Standing on a roof, with a crossbow in hand and killing the intended targets (quest targets that is). This doesn't mean that I go around slaughtering everything that walks, but getting away with murder is very fun. :p

And Fargoth MUST be alive 24/7!

Posted: Sun May 20, 2007 3:25 pm
by dragon wench
Fiberfar wrote: Of course, when you happen to find a daedric dai katana on a random guy on a plantation and he's all alone, he was really asking for it :D
Well yes... but when you consider in *whose* control that particular plantation is... It's not hard to justify such an act. So, I'm not sure if it entirely qualifies as a murderous rampage :D

Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 3:36 am
by AmpaSand
Council clubs have no quests I can find so


Posted: Mon May 21, 2007 4:20 am
by What U KNO
Ah murder for fun and profit!

After thoroughly beating this game personally several times I find sometimes its just fun to go around and rack up a HUGE body count. Whats even more fun is to get a group of NPCs under my control and then using a special spell I have made called Piss U OFF force them to slaughter each other.

Mass murder in this game is only really suited for after the main quest and all the house and guild quests are complete. Once you have done that theres really nothing left to do but to clear the map of any breathing thing.

BTW anyone know of a good Thermonuclear mod? :laugh:

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:42 am
by Tsprengel
I have to agree that after beating every imaginable quest I can find, I start to get a few murderous thoughts from the back of my mind gnawing at my concious. And then, all hell breaks loose. I kill everyone, everything, and loot their bodies for anything worthwhile. Guess I'm just a lil' sociopath. :angel:

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:38 pm
by zykethehellfire
I like meaninglessly killing cause its the only challange to me as an assassin. the morag tong quests were to easy for me... so i like killing people in highly populated ares and seeing if i get away with it with noone noticing.and monsters dont count cause noone cares if you kill a monster.

and i've tryed to find a way to see if i can join Dagoth Ur because he is actually the good guy in the whole story. but alas i have failed :(

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 5:54 am
by fable
The opening post wasn't, "Please detail your experiences killing pixels," but "Why have you gone on a murderous rampage?" Please answer this. All other comments will be removed.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:01 am
by Isillur Thorne
Every now and then you just need to let loose, right? I mean maybe I'm just a closet psycho, but I often think about killing everyone around me in a fit of rage at their stupidity... It just seems so... RIGHTEOUS! :angel:

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:00 am
by Drunkside
Wanna really know why i go on killing sprees? Well, just for the sake of killing the irritating guards... Naah really i do it sometimes to see how good my character is, like how long can i survive. I NEVER save after doing this.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:00 am
by imawindowlickr
I occasionally do it...but I don't save. I will roam Vivic and kill everything in densely populated areas. The more NPC's i can take out the better. I do this to see where my character is weak. Whether is ins in the setup of my armor or skills, I believe that this gives a different perspective than taking out a Dremora or two. Unless anyone knows where I can find 30 ogrim milling around in one spot, I try to take out the isle of the deadra quest at level 2.:mischief:

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:41 pm
by Eric V
i do it after i save my game. start a fight wit as many as i can just to see if i can punch every one out hehehe

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:57 am
by fable
Removed a group of posts because they didn't have to do with the content of the thread--which is why a person would want to go on a murderous rampage in Morrowind. Simply that.

If you feel your post has been unfairly removed, feel free to send me a personal message and explain why.