1. BGC contains the whole BG saga, and I'd like to know is ToB completely an independent game? By this I mean, is ToB meant to be installed after I've beaten SoA, or is it meant to be installed together with SoA? (I know it's early to ask a question like this, but please)
2. ToB increases the exp cap of my characters. Does that mean that I will also gain more weapon profiency points?
3. I'm going to make a vanilla Ranger, specialized in all bows, plus 2-handed and some of the 1-handed swords. (Going for dual wielding). That's why I would like to know, what is the best combination when dual wielding 1-handed swords? (After picking long bow, short bow and crossbow, I have 9 points to be used, meaning that I can specialize in 3 1-handed sword-types, after picking up 2-handed swords)
4. It's been quite some time since I last time played BG, so could you guys tell me, which one out of the four ranger's primary attributes (STR, WSD, DEX, CON) is the most important, which one is the second most important etc. (For example, DEX is the most important, after that STR, which is followed by CON and WSD)
5. How huge is the difference between an imported character(from BG to BG2) and freshly created character? (Except for the fact that imported character has more profiency points to begin with.)
Waiting patiently for your replies