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Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 5:55 am
by gottfried
i've searched the forums and couldn't find anything on this so here goes.
Basically i'm english but i want to keep my french at i high level (doing some of the DELF exams this summer) and i've been reading comics and childrens books in french but i would quite like to replay BG2 in french.
my question i have to buy a french copy of BG2? (and if so, where would i find that?) or can i download some sort of mod or something?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:03 am
by fable
You'd have to buy it. I would suggest trying

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 7:14 am
by Grombag
Well you could buy a copy from the internet (amazone, ebay, etc.). 2 things you should check out.
If they deliver where you live.
For English language It mathers where your located (UK version doesn't play in US). Check if this also goes for the French version.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:56 am
by Toxeus
You don't have to buy it. To play game on russian i've just replaced english dialog.tlk file by russian one. So all text in russian, voices remained english.
Look for french dialog.tlk on french BG's fansites :)
P.S. Almost forgot - you need appropriate fonts also, usually all this can be found on tranlator's site in one pack.