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TRying to make a 3 Decoy party (for arguments sake)

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 6:41 pm
by Klorox
Please let me know if this will work. You'll see many influences from the JUPP. I'm attempting to make a party with 3 AC 72 decoys in it.

Decoy 1:
LG Deep Gnome
Rog3/Ftr4/Pal3/Illusionist20 (start as a Rogue for more skills)
S 16 D 20 C 14 I 18 W 5 Ch 1

Equipment needed:
Brazen Bands
Flame Dance Talisman
Swing From the Masts
Chimadrae's Slippers
Chain of Drakka's Fury
Any +4 Shield
Spells needed (cast either by him or other team members):
Tenser's Transformation
Haste (or Mass Haste)
Ghost Armor
Spirit Armor

Feats needed:

Boost DEX with every level-up

Decoy #2:
LN Deep Gnome
Dreadmaster of Bane 28/Monk 1/Rog1 (take Monk at beginning of HoF, and Rog in the Underdark in HoF, minimizing XP penalty)
S 16 D 20 C 14 I 3 W 20 Ch 1

Equipment needed:
Indomitable Bands
Sunfire Talisman
Crow's Nest
Chimadrae's Warded Slippers
Potion of Holy Transference X2
Every God's Ring

Spells needed (cast either by him or other team members):
Haste (or Mass Haste)
Ghost Armor
Spirit Armor
Draw Upon Holy Might
Divine Shell

Feats needed:

Boost WIS with every level-up

Decoy #3:
LN Deep Gnome
S 8 D 20 C 11 I 14 W 20 Ch 1 (start as a Transmuter for free spells, maximize Alchemy skill for bonus later)
Transmuter 14/ Dreadmaster of Bane 15/Monk 1 (take Monk level only after buying second Every God's Ring in HoF)

Equipment needed:
Xvimian Fang of Despair
Every God's Ring

Spells needed (cast either by him or other team members):
Haste (or Mass Haste)
Ghost Armor
Spirit Armor
Draw Upon Holy Might
Divine Shell
Tenser's Transformation
Cat's Grace

Feats needed:

Boost both DEX and WIS, leaving WIS at an odd number (since Every God's Ring gives +5 to WIS). The early DEX boosts should help AC, and in combat (early game, he uses missile weapons and Weapon Finesse if in melee).

Characters 4, 5, and 6 will have to include a Watcher of Helm (for the Helm's Watch ability), at least 12 levels of Druid (for Barkskin spell), and a Bard of at least 11 levels (for the War Chant of the Sith song).

I suggest combining the Watcher of Helm and Druid into one character (11/19 level division; either LN or N so you can use the Massive Halberd of Hate), the Bard with a Sorcerer (11/19 level division), and finally a Paladin/Sorcerer (3/27 level division; Sorcerers rock this game). I would level up to 19 as a Sorcerer before adding Bard levels, as you won't really need the WCotS until much later. Since this party already features two Clerics, I'd start the Helmite/Druid off as a Druid, and add only 1 level of Cleric early for some armor proficiencies. I'd also start with only four party members, and wait until flying away in Oswald's ship to add the Helmite/Druid, and wait until the underdark to add the Pal/Sorc for an effective mule for a while. I'd also suggest stopping him at Pal 3/Sorc 4, since this is a great spot to squat at (you have Mirror Image if you get into trouble, and no XP penalty yet).

Character 4:
NE Drow Sorcerer 19/Bard 11
S 8 D 16 C 16 I 16 W 4 Ch 20
Max all talky skills, Concentration, Spellcraft (10 only) and Know: Arcana for ID'ing stuff. Maximize CHA at all level-ups.

Character 5:
N Drow Druid 19/Watcher of Helm 11
S 15 D 14 C 16 I 12 W 18 Ch 5
Max Spellcraft, Concentration, Wilderness Lore. Maximize WIS at all level-ups, but spend 1 on STR late (there's a +4 WIS ring late in the game that won't benefit from another point spent on WIS, but the STR will help a little bit).

Character 6:
LG Drow Paladin 3/Sorcerer 27
S 12 D 16 C 16 I 12 W 4 Ch 20
Max Spellcraft and Concentration. Maximize CHA at level-ups.