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From Tabletop to Desk top (Messenger based games)

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 3:20 am
by worldslayer608
Sometimes it is hard to get a good game going, and games like stormreach just dont cut it, they arnt from the same loaf of bread as the classical tabletop DnD. Ya know what i mean?

But what is a Dungeon guru to do when his buds are gone for the summer and cant get a good adventure going?

well i have the solution :) i just started a site that i hope, will allow people from all over the globe, and from all different age groups to come together and get a nice adventure going :)

Playing DnD on the table is great, and when it isnt doable the next best thing might just be doing it over a messenger...

if you are interested in this concept visit the following site, sign up, and stay tuned... maybe even get a game going!

The site is still in the works and will be more... informational around tomorrow evening and hopefully be done within the next 24 hours

so sign up, and stay tuned! you never know.. maybe this could become a active 24/7 DnD networking site!

hope to see you around :)

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:38 pm
by blackblade76
ok i went to the site and good job ive signed up on it even

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 1:42 pm
by triline beta
Is there a specific reason that no one posts on this forum?

Posted: Wed Jul 18, 2007 4:44 pm
by Siberys
As with the forum rules, advertisements for personal forums are against the rules. Occasionally the owner of the site, BuckGB will allow a slight exception for keeping the link in your signature, but otherwise please don't create whole threads for the purposes of advertisement.

Thank you, and thread closed.