I always thought that Wish+IA are the top spells in the game(since the wish can give you a double length IA+Time Stop, and many many more options...
Anyway, for Time Stop.
In the beginning, I underestimated this spell. So what - three spells cast freely. Big deal.
After that I began using it with IA. Wow! 12-15 spells. Now that's power. 5 summons, buffing them, buffing myself, new Time stop and so on...
And finally, a F/M or a T/M or a F/M/T or Blade(the last two using scrolls, of course.). Now that's power. The Ascension's cheesiest way of killing all of the five with a Blade or a F/M or a F/T is using several Timestops and pure melee with the appropriate weapons. Nothing more is needed.
Time Stop is a must-have pick for a sorcerer. Unfortunately, usually the last to pick 9 lvl spell because there are much more important than this one. I always start with CC, after that Wish, later Shapechange and finally at lvl 30 or so - Time Stop.
Cuchulain82 wrote:Dude- Tovam is spot on. Timestop and Improved Alacrity are the top two spells in the game. I killed my video card as often as I killed whatever I was fighting. Just don't try it with the Gorgon- that's a tough one to learn the hard way!
Mellisan and Balthazar are also immune to Time Stop. I think that there may be more, thou I cannot say for certain. And TS is not that bad used on Demogogron. Because although he can move, his whole army cannot.
Deadalready wrote:
Similacra is another spell that has it's uses but I agree, it is certainly not worth wasting a level 8 slot in. There are cheesy ways of using Similacar but again even then I don't like using it. There's other ways of using Similacar though a specific helm casts it and additionally I just use scrolls to cast it on occasion.
This simply points out that you haven't played much with arcane casters. A simulacrum is one of the best spells. First, if cast by a highly enough lvl mage or sorcerer(lvl 31-32), you get a simulacrum lvl 20. An additional powerful spellcaster with all of your spells and items. And this image cannot be duspelled by True sight like projected Images. Also, you can command BOTH your original caster and the simulacrum, while with PI you must babysit your original caster in order to keep the image.
A simulacrum can be also used for casting ninth lvl spells in SoA. Doesn't matter that it is actually a lvl 12 wizard cast by a lvl 17(xp cap) protagonist, You can collect 4 Time Stop scrolls in SoA, 4 Incendiary Clouds, 4-5 Horrid Wiltings, a Shapechange, and other powerful and limited scrolls. Then, you can load them in quick-slots, cast a Simulacrum, and he will have those scrolls also. And they will not be wasted if cast by the Simmy.
Third, if you're playing a solo sorcerer, you should have a Simulacrum spell because a solo Sorcerer cannot waste slots on Prot from Fire, Cold, Acid, Elec,Magic Energy and Ghost Armor, yet they have to be cast on the sorcerer in order to keep him alive - well, use 2 simulacrums loaded with protection scrolls to buff your PC.
The Simulacrum is the first-pick for a solo sorcerer. Second comes Spell Trigger, and after that - Horrid Wilting. The fourth is whatever you wish.