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HoW - problem below sacrifice island

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 3:10 am
by Classic
I´m kinda stuck below the sacrifice island at the end (?) of HoW. After beating all the sahuagin, ice golem sentries, and weirds I can´t get any further. There´s a large door - to the dragon I assume - but I can´t open it and I don´t remember hearing about a trigger at any time in the game. I tried messing about with the weapons you find in the containers but to no avail. And by the way, am I the only one that finds it extremely annoying not to be able to identify items on this island if you don´t have a mage capable of this?! Oh well, any help would really be appriciated!

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2001 9:52 am
by Sojourner
The Suhuagin Prince is supposed to have a key on him. Try searching all the bodies again.

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2001 2:25 am
by Classic
Right you are! Must have been a case of momentary idiocy! I checked the sahuagin prince twice without noticing the key. Well, finished the game. Actually, the dragon wasn´t that tough. Beat her on the first go and my characters are only level 14 average. All in all, this expansion was rather short. I had expected a bit more. After all it cost nearly the same as the origional game. but what the h...! I´m just waiting for NWN anyway!!! :D