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HK-47.. wered ya go?

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 1:17 am
by WannaBeJack
So during the part on peragus were you kill the sith who got on board the ebon hawk I smashed open the door HK-47 was upoosed to be in and.. he wasn't.. but after the sith are killed and we're cruising along.. hes therE? Is my game glitchy or does this happed to yall too? If ou have a save like right before that happens could you test this for me? :cool:

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 5:59 am
by Darth_Ruin

Dont worry this happens to everyone, its meant to happen. The Ebon hawk automatically removes all characters on board the ship apart from those currently in your party and obviously the enemies. So when the ship was boarded by the sith, as HK47 was not yet functional and in your party then he did not appear. However you will find that in any battles that you do and will face on the Ebon Hawk if HK47 is in your party he will be on the ship.

Hope this helps.

Chris (Darth_Ruin)