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New teaching method for D&D?

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 5:25 pm
by Aragorn12
Do you think it's a good idea to teach the of history of your world(s) in D&D? There are 2 ways to do this

1: Teach them all at once, quick and easy but one problem, not every character is created at the same int level as the other. But if you teach them at the same time, everyone basicly is.

2: Teach them one by one. Everyone getting a different education based on their race, class, and religion. But that would take really long if everyone was comeing one by one, day after day.

So what do you think? If you think it's a good idea, tell me which style is better please. :) :)

Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 4:43 pm
by HisDivineShadow
I usually type up a little summery of the history for each character and hand them out, so they can reference it later. I don't want to expect my players to actually put forth the effort to LEARN some fantasy world's history, because that's asking a bit much of the people I play with. But it works out because I usually make them different for each character. Just an idea, though.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 7:16 pm
by Mierkos
The learn as you go method

My campaigns always happened in the same realm. If a pc was from that area it was a given that he or she new basic history and customs of the realm. If the pc was from a different realm, they knew squat and had to learn on the run. For Example, if you enter an Arahnic village, make sure you are unarmed. anyone who enters armed will be shunned and teleported out of the village. Arahn is the goddess of peace. Her followers are pacifists. The only time you will see an armed Arahnic is if he or she is hunting. the only weapons they posess are bows and hunting knives. I had 2 outland pc's teleported out of a village 4 times before they realized why. Knowledge of local history and customs make for great role playing. The way you utilize it is up you. As a well-known citizen of Falspar says, "There are many ways to skin a dragon"