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One for the boys...
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 8:41 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Apparently like many young male horrible Godless liberals across the land(s), I find myself presented with a dilemma when it comes to Ann Coulter. On the one hand, she's a cold-blooded, arch-conservative ***** whose ideas are laughable, albeit extraordinarily entertaining to my black and twisted sense of humor. On the other hand, I very much want to sleep with her, even more so in light of her (IMO) ridiculous beliefs (and the fact that she and I share a birthday). A quandary indeed...
So, rather than leave the subject up to my own confuzzled little head...or other areas...I thought I'd give democracy a chance. What say you, larcenous liberal scoundrels of GB? Is Ann Coulter hot? Do her ludicrous opinions render her extreme shagaliciousness null and void, or somehow add to it?
To aid people in musing this (not at all) philosophical trifle, I present you the readers with
this image for your viewing pleasure and
this link to her websites photo gallery. There's even a forum for anyone wishing to compliment her personally.
Any comments from ladies so inclined are welcome too, of course.
And before anyone feels the urge to point it out, I fully realise how juvenile this whole concept is and expect the thread to die faster than a debate on whether Smithers is really gay.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:02 am
by fable
Confucius say them that sleeps with Medusa wake up with rock where rocks should be.
Do anything at all with Coulter? Of course! My favorite thing, right after putting a drill bit through my eyeballs.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:34 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
I know, I know...I have such terrible taste in women.
Unfortunately I had the same thing with the head of the Young Liberals (who were calling themselves 'the Goodies' so no-one would know who they actually were) - in Australia the (more) conservative party goes by the misnomer the 'Liberal Party of Australia' - at my university during guild elections, another stick-thin blonde by the name of Brigitte. Curious, since I've ordinarily got quite a penchant for exoticism and rarely find blondes that attractive.
Of course, that was after I'd drawn up and posted posters claiming that 'the Goodies' kicked your puppy and drowned kittens for fun...One lot of false advertising deserving another and all.:mischief:
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:54 am
by fable
I know, I know...I have such terrible taste in women.
I'm less curious about this conclusion you've reached concerning yourself than the way physical characteristics lead you to define a person as someone you want in your bed, completely apart from all personal/psychological/mental characteristics.
I wonder if this is true of your psychographic in general? If you don't mind me asking, how old are you? This might be an example of teen peer group patterning, once absorbed becoming self-replicating. I can't honestly see it as a survival trait, but then, in so-called advanced cultures, many self-destructive behaviors are tolerated as long as the individual performs a recognized work-related role competently.
Just curious. I mean no slur on you by my ramblings.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:24 am
by dragon wench
My SO and I had a conversation about Ann Coulter not long ago. His comment (heavily edited by me): "I wouldn't touch her with
<insert name of former boss whom he hates> 's "apparatus." :laugh:
And *that* is the more repeatable part of his statement
On a slightly more serious note, I think I sort of understand some of this..
While I have always felt that the interior defines the exterior, I recall several times while in university when I was single and I had brief "encounters" with guys who were my diametric opposite in values, politics etc. There was some sort of weird highly amplified sexual chemistry at work, and somehow the constant verbal sparring both in classes and outside of the classroom was actually a pretty huge turn-on...
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:04 am
by Vicsun
fable wrote:I'm less curious about this conclusion you've reached concerning yourself than the way physical characteristics lead you to define a person as someone you want in your bed, completely apart from all personal/psychological/mental characteristics.
Characteristics only define people who're likely to stay in your bed for a prolonged period of time.
As for Ms. Coulter, only if she wears an SS uniform.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:20 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
No worries
I'm 23, 24 later this year. Don't think it's a peer thing (unless it's a 'rebellion' of sorts at not fitting in to teenage peer groups in general: I'm not a shrink so I don't really know), Oz is pretty typical inasmuch as the 'ideal' of physical beauty is generally considered to be the tall, leggy, blue-eyed, blonde, sporty 'ubermensch' type, which doesn't generally do much for me. Not really sure why I have my odd little preference , but it's been there as long as I can remember, since I was a small child at least.
Just for the record, for myself personal/psychological/mental characteristics are as, if not more, important than ethnicity, for want of a better term, in potential mates' desirability: sadly I have a thing for destructive, crazy women too
. I have to acknowledge that shallow though it is (IMO) the preference for exoticism (for some reason Indian women are a particular weakness) is still there.*shrug*
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 11:57 am
by Cuchulain82
I voted yes, mostly because of that blog that I can't link to. Does everyone here know about that blog? It's got one post, and is about a specific type of carnal relation, had with Ann Coultier. I can PM the link, but posting it is a sure-fire Terms violation.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:35 pm
by Vicsun
Cuchulain82 wrote:I voted yes, mostly because of that blog that I can't link to. Does everyone here know about that blog? It's got one post, and is about a specific type of carnal relation, had with Ann Coultier. I can PM the link, but posting it is a sure-fire Terms violation.
I'll trade you a a caricature of Coulter in a leather teddy for that link (to be honest it's like the third result in google image search for
edit: having just made the above-mentioned search, it appears that Spanky here is not only not alone in his carnal fascination with ms. Coulter, he's in all likelihood a part of the majority.
editedit: in the interest of fairness, it should be mentioned that the pictures not captioned
Ann Coulter is hot lead to uglyrepublicans dot com; I guess that miss Coulter's hotness is more of a divisive issue than I previously thought. I really want to make a Paris Hilton comparison at this point in my post, but I'm drawing a blank...
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:23 pm
by AmpaSand
Yeah i love her, like i love to shot my feet with nailguns.
She is decripit and unattractive.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:47 pm
by fable
Mr Spanky wrote:sadly I have a thing for destructive, crazy women too
Only Coulter's by no means crazy. She's simply a writer who resorts to endless hatemongering and filth peddling to get appearances on television, and sell her books. That's sordid and obscene, but not crazy. If you want craziness, consider finding a picture of Edna St. Vincent-Milay, and making a date with Mr. Hand. But Coulter...? It's like finding a person who kicks a baby sexy.
Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:01 pm
by Vicsun
fable wrote:Only Coulter's by no means crazy. She's simply a writer who resorts to endless hatemongering and filth peddling to get appearances on television, and sell her books. That's sordid and obscene, but not crazy. If you want craziness, consider finding a picture of Edna St. Vincent-Milay, and making a date with Mr. Hand. But Coulter...? It's like finding a person who kicks a baby sexy.
...a person who kicks a baby and feeds on the surrounding vitriol. Now I can also think of the Paris Hilton comparison that was eluding me in the last post: both of them sustain themselves on (mostly) bad publicity to such an extent they can't survive without it, while being utterly irrelevant. The moment the liberal establishment (excuse the term) replaces active hatred for the emotional equivalent of
is the moment no one will be willing to waste time and money on Coulter. I sadly don't follow the circus that is American television closely, but I'm willing to bed that's already happening. The public will get tired of even the most well executed gimmick, and unless Coulter comes up with a sex-tape - to get back on topic here - or gets thrown in jail for violating her DUI probation, she'll be forgotten quicker than an internet troll that's run out of steam.
Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2007 2:30 pm
by Greg.
[url=""]This[/url] made me smile...
So no...
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 9:44 am
by Chanak
In some oddly indescribable way, I understand where you're coming from on this, Spanky. I've had some experience in the "why do I end up attracted to women who destroy everything around them, including themselves?" department. Sure, Coulter obviously possesses some attractive physical attributes...but here is where I depart with your fascination. The woman has no substance nor redeeming value whatsoever, and it is likely that any sort of liasion with her would result in the sort of deep regret that would persistently haunt one to the grave. Just by virtue of the disgusting xenophobic vitriol she spews in order to garner attention and an income, she's off-limits to yours truly.
I see red flags, hear blaring klaxons, and am blinded by flashing red strobe lights. For some reason, skull and crossbones and the word "poison" comes immediately to mind when viewing her photographs. Sample at your own risk. Personally, I'd rather date a guinea pig.
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:22 pm
by Craig
Urgh. I know nothing of this 'Coulter' woman, but she look stick-thin and thus not attractive to me. Bleh. Give me Rosie from that ACDC song any day of the week!
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:33 pm
by rmemmett84
I don't find her particularly "hot" because of her physical appearance. Not that she is ugly necessarily but "hot" is a pretty strong word. I am however (judging by the majority of posts here) the only conservative republican on the whole damn board so her politics don't play into my decision at all.
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:39 am
by Beldin
rmemmett84 wrote: I am however (judging by the majority of posts here) the only conservative republican on the whole damn board
...and you're still here ?
I'm impressed. I always thought that fable ate conservatives for breakfast...
(...thus keeping down their number on the board.)
No worries,
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:47 am
by Mace Panda Poo
Chanak wrote: Coulter obviously possesses some attractive physical attributes
I'm inclined to disagree. Being a liberal myself, i find nothing about her political views repulsive, and she isn't ugly. But there is a huge gap between ugly and attractive and i think she falls right in the middle. She isn't ugly but she doesn't have any features that make her stand out as being attractive.
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:08 am
by Kipi
Beldin wrote:
I'm impressed. I always thought that fable ate conservatives for breakfast...
(...thus keeping down their number on the board.)
As far as I know, he still does... that's why I keep my politcal alignment in secret...
Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:34 pm
by Weasel
I find this thread immature, sexist, and degrading to women in general and refuse to participate.
On the other hand, The woman in question doesn't stand a chance against Minerva.