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Just got IWD.....

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2001 5:02 pm
by Disco Bob
and was wondering (i heard this was possible) how to import characters from BgII into IWD.

so far I've tried without success

any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 1:29 am
by Gruntboy
Its isn't possible.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2001 1:16 pm
by Kayless
It's sad but true Bob. :( But cheer up! At least we still have disco! :D

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2001 8:10 am
by Disco Bob
True enough, but alas even disco is not enough to comfort my loss :)

thanks for the info though.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2001 7:27 pm
I don't see why the guys at TeamBG or the guys that did Dale/Shadow/GateKeeper can't come up with some sort of transfer for characters. They have all the information to edit within their respective utilities, why don't they just add the ability to load in a character from another game and at least convert to another game's .chr format if not import into a saved game. The items and such would be a wash as would mage and priest spells (some of them match up, some games don't have spells that others do). But you could at least get your levels/exp and proficienies and skills. Minimally if there was a util to go from bg to icewind and icewind to BG that would work because they're using similar rules and stats. Then you could take the 'new BG' character and import into BG2 within the game to update to the BG2 rules with the new thief stats as well as the kits, etc. I'd LOVE to take my BG1 character into IWD, or my entire IWD party into BG2 (they're kicking major ass, I'm about to go through the game AGAIN in Heart of Fury mode). I set the game level to 'hard' for the HoW expansion and I was getting levels every other screen it seemed. That 250k exp per level past level 9 for fighters goes fast when you get 640k+ exp for completing a little conversation.