Pole weapons/Imperial class
Pole weapons/Imperial class
After a three month vacation from the game, I started a new character...one that is just about all melee with the focus being on using pole weapons.
Although I have had both a Valkyrie and a Hunter (that get heavy poles) my focus with them was either heavy weapons or archery...not using the pole weapon very much.
Any thoughts on pole weapons? I know the weapon that drops from Valkyrie class quest completion is pretty good, and I had found the Golden war spear (light pole) in the Forbidden lands.
I was thinking about going the Imperial/Warlord route (not having tried it before) plus throwing Valkyrie in there again to get heavy armor and shields plus an extra bonus to pole weaponry. Has anybody else ever played the Imperial class?
Although I have had both a Valkyrie and a Hunter (that get heavy poles) my focus with them was either heavy weapons or archery...not using the pole weapon very much.
Any thoughts on pole weapons? I know the weapon that drops from Valkyrie class quest completion is pretty good, and I had found the Golden war spear (light pole) in the Forbidden lands.
I was thinking about going the Imperial/Warlord route (not having tried it before) plus throwing Valkyrie in there again to get heavy armor and shields plus an extra bonus to pole weaponry. Has anybody else ever played the Imperial class?
~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons
I think the Valkyrie/Lord build will be better.. (Crushing Blow just plays better IMO than Inflict Wounds).
Definitely start the game with Soul Harvester in your equipment.. use it after fargrove part 2.
Make sure you choose Adept as one of your classes (..gives you access to magic weaponry).
Good Luck!
..and IMO the heavy pole is the most fun to use once you've learned how to use it effectively (which of course a few hours with moonbeasts will do for you).
Definitely start the game with Soul Harvester in your equipment.. use it after fargrove part 2.
Make sure you choose Adept as one of your classes (..gives you access to magic weaponry).
Good Luck!
..and IMO the heavy pole is the most fun to use once you've learned how to use it effectively (which of course a few hours with moonbeasts will do for you).
I'm choosing Imperial because it is a class I have never tried before...I've tried out so many of the classes that I need some variety.
I know all about the magic weaponry, so no problem there thanks. I was just wondering if anybody else had played an Imperial and what they thought of the class.
I've already progressed:
fighter/adept imperial/ valkyrie and now I am contemplating starting the trial of elders so thinking about heading out to Moonbeast Island.
*edit* Samurai gets inflict wounds, btw.
I've already progressed:
fighter/adept imperial/ valkyrie and now I am contemplating starting the trial of elders so thinking about heading out to Moonbeast Island.
*edit* Samurai gets inflict wounds, btw.
~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons
The fight with Feng! (Imperial quest mini boss)
Spoiler-ish...highlight to read:
Screenshots: (Spoiler warning here as well!)
I set off the one Blast Nova I had found:

Some of the guys...couldn't get everybody in one place so I could take their picture.

Lucy with some of her new stuff....(after both second tier class promotions.)

Sorry, the helm isn't bad armor wise, but it looks very silly on Lucy.

Spoiler-ish...highlight to read:
My game settings for this encounter were hard and less. Feng Shao spawned with 6 or 7 guys fighting with him, and all were flinging around nether blasts. This wasn't so bad, because as I was fighting with them, a bunch of Drey elves came along. I set off some poison gas and between that and everybody hitting everybody else with nether blasts and arrows the fight went pretty well for me. It took some running around so I could heal, but wasn't too bad.
Feng dropped the Helm of Demons, Dragon gloves, and a set of Demon shoulder armor. He also dropped the nether impaler and the Shield of Demons as did several of his cohorts. My character has the Fool of Fortune heraldry, so perhaps that had something to do with it.
Feng dropped the Helm of Demons, Dragon gloves, and a set of Demon shoulder armor. He also dropped the nether impaler and the Shield of Demons as did several of his cohorts. My character has the Fool of Fortune heraldry, so perhaps that had something to do with it.
Screenshots: (Spoiler warning here as well!)
I set off the one Blast Nova I had found:

Some of the guys...couldn't get everybody in one place so I could take their picture.

Lucy with some of her new stuff....(after both second tier class promotions.)

Sorry, the helm isn't bad armor wise, but it looks very silly on Lucy.

~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons
..how was the fight like in comparison to the monk class fight and the budoka class fight?
I recently did the budoka without any magic at all (not even poison cloud) - and the 2 red ninja's (one of which was the boss), sure gave me a hard time!
The monk fight I did use magic.. not so difficult, but a pain to kill the boss with the winter shurkien in hand.
Consistently the most difficult fight I've encountered is the demon in the swamp north of Arindale. It isn't that the demon is particularly difficult, rather its the legion of "tree guardians" lobing branches at my character at an unbelievable rate. They ALWAYS show up right after the demon is summoned.
(..of course all the above were on the "hard" setting).
I recently did the budoka without any magic at all (not even poison cloud) - and the 2 red ninja's (one of which was the boss), sure gave me a hard time!
The monk fight I did use magic.. not so difficult, but a pain to kill the boss with the winter shurkien in hand.
Consistently the most difficult fight I've encountered is the demon in the swamp north of Arindale. It isn't that the demon is particularly difficult, rather its the legion of "tree guardians" lobing branches at my character at an unbelievable rate. They ALWAYS show up right after the demon is summoned.
(..of course all the above were on the "hard" setting).
*Another spoiler-ish stuff warning...just in case!!!*Scottg wrote:..how was the fight like in comparison to the monk class fight and the budoka class fight?
Compared to Monk, (and Shugenja too) it was pretty easy. Feng doesn't even have ninjas to fight, his minions are Daedroth guards. Outside of what I mentioned earlier re: flinging nether blasts it wasn't bad at all as those can be dodged. See my first screenshot to see what I mean. I have a hard time with ninjas, for some reason they always want to beat me up....
I've yet to try out Budoka, actually. Something for late summer, maybe.
*edit* oh Malokan? Devil's Dust guy, yea? Hmm, yes. The mean trees do not help the situation at all. I went in the second time and tried to draw them out before sprinkling the Devil's Dust...that seemed to help. Of course it seems like every time you are in a battle like that, some mob or another shows up.
~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons
My new Human Female character.
I made one Figher/Mage/Samurai/Enchantress.
I wanted a Dual Wield with Nether Magic.
I messed up and didn't get credit for freeing the kid at Ulm,
the apothecary lady in arindale wouldn't talk to me. Monsters were blocking his path when he was trying to run away, and I hit him a few times (he complained, "What are you doing??"). Oh well.
So I started Chick #2. I wanted Dual Wield, but I really wanted to have fun with the Drain Life spell (and other Nether spells), so maybe I will go
Fighter/Imperial/Valkyrie/War Witch and use Heavy Poles and I still get the Nether Bonus. I haven't added any other classes yet. Only Fighter Only. For Now.
So I will be trying out Pole Weaps as well, Cathy....
I made one Figher/Mage/Samurai/Enchantress.
I wanted a Dual Wield with Nether Magic.
I messed up and didn't get credit for freeing the kid at Ulm,
the apothecary lady in arindale wouldn't talk to me. Monsters were blocking his path when he was trying to run away, and I hit him a few times (he complained, "What are you doing??"). Oh well.
So I started Chick #2. I wanted Dual Wield, but I really wanted to have fun with the Drain Life spell (and other Nether spells), so maybe I will go
Fighter/Imperial/Valkyrie/War Witch and use Heavy Poles and I still get the Nether Bonus. I haven't added any other classes yet. Only Fighter Only. For Now.
So I will be trying out Pole Weaps as well, Cathy....
I currently have a Fighter/Adept/Monk/Valkyrie, going for Shaolei Master. She uses Poleweapons and Ninjutsu.
I found Poleweapons very useful: the added reach allows you to chop away at enemies without exposing yourself too much. As a bonus: you effect a wider area if you do the whirlwind attack animation.
BTW, I never got a weapon for becoming a Valkyrie...
I found Poleweapons very useful: the added reach allows you to chop away at enemies without exposing yourself too much. As a bonus: you effect a wider area if you do the whirlwind attack animation.
BTW, I never got a weapon for becoming a Valkyrie...
- Laurenthala
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:49 am
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Valk/Battlemage to Wizard
Well....here is what i did. I started out with rogue to get the thief skill i love (steal) Then i went for Sisterhood and got my valk class for heavy poles and the Heavy Armour i so enjoy. Then i went to mage class and got battlemage for the magic waponry so i could use that awsome pole that the Valk drops in Valkyrie quest.
So what am i left with? I have a lvl 25 Valk/Battlemage that can kick some serious butt with her rune strike heavy pole (4 - 22 dam with lvl 7 rune strike)
And i am at lvl 17 arcane magic with some cataclysms (thx Khaos) and im doin about 122 damage with my cataclysms now. Just wait till i get wizard and start pumpin points into Spellfire. (Gahzbu gonna get his butt owned soooooooo bad!!!)
This didnt take too long to do ...becuz its all around arindale. Quick fun!!! And its a pretty tough char build.
I also made a fighter/adept. I went marauder-paladin and now im lookin to go deathlord. wonder how that will be.
Well....here is what i did. I started out with rogue to get the thief skill i love (steal) Then i went for Sisterhood and got my valk class for heavy poles and the Heavy Armour i so enjoy. Then i went to mage class and got battlemage for the magic waponry so i could use that awsome pole that the Valk drops in Valkyrie quest.
So what am i left with? I have a lvl 25 Valk/Battlemage that can kick some serious butt with her rune strike heavy pole (4 - 22 dam with lvl 7 rune strike)
And i am at lvl 17 arcane magic with some cataclysms (thx Khaos) and im doin about 122 damage with my cataclysms now. Just wait till i get wizard and start pumpin points into Spellfire. (Gahzbu gonna get his butt owned soooooooo bad!!!)
This didnt take too long to do ...becuz its all around arindale. Quick fun!!! And its a pretty tough char build.
I also made a fighter/adept. I went marauder-paladin and now im lookin to go deathlord. wonder how that will be.
Sorry you need sorceror to get wizard. But you could go for War witch or Warlock both getting drain life and more arcane bonus.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
- Laurenthala
- Posts: 3
- Joined: Sun Jul 01, 2007 8:49 am
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War witch is quite powerful too. I think it could be a great caster and fighter.
Right Speech has four aspects: 1. Not lying, but speaking the truth, 2. Avoiding rude and coarse words, but using gentle speech beneficial to the listener, 3. Not slandering, but promoting friendliness and unity, 4. Avoiding frivolous speech, but saying only what is appropriate and beneficial.
Ruenkavla should have dropped the Winged Destroyer when she died. She did in the 1.4 edition when I last had a Valkyrie and did so again. Were you fighting her with a ranged weapon? I noticed if I am too far away from an enemy fighting at range they don't drop stuff when they die. Silly game.GawainBS wrote:I currently have a Fighter/Adept/Monk/Valkyrie, going for Shaolei Master. She uses Poleweapons and Ninjutsu......BTW, I never got a weapon for becoming a Valkyrie...![]()
I think I would have enjoyed Monk better. Imperial is a pretty good class, but where I get the heavy pole/heavy armor/heavy shields/heavy weapons from Valkyrie already, I could have gone with Monk as that gets a bonus for pole weapons plus as noted the ninjutsu skill. Having the bonus in Celestial magic, channel and identify would be more useful for me to have had....thinking about retiring this character already. :/
I resurrected the wizard/enchantress I had last played in December. I am so weird...I like a competant character but when they get to powerful I get bored with them. This particular character is sort of wimpy physically but was very easy to raise her arcane magic skill relatively quickly and she just blows stuff away. Maybe I should have her just use Shrieking Stars all the time and not any of the Nova spells. I have a couple of Cataclysms and that is insanely overpowered at high skill levels...(to me, anyway).
~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons
No, indeed. You earned the stuff, so you should have it. Ruenkavla also dropped a heavy plate top when my character fought her.GawainBS wrote:No, I didn't sue a ranged weapon. I was slugging it out woman-to-woman. I do play v1.4, so that isn't it. I guess I'll have to resort to the editor then. Giving myself what's mine, isn't actually cheating.![]()
~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons
Come to the Dark side....we have polearms.GawainBS wrote:You're an evil one, eh, seducing me to make even more use of the editor?![]()
Fred24, powerful is a relative term. If you want a primarily fighter combo and a female character, then Valkyrie/Warwitch is a good way to go...or Valkyrie/Deathlord is also good. If you want a magic user, then a female Elf Enchantress/Wizard is also a good way to go.
Try reading here for more information about the classes and what skills and learning bonuses they receive.
~P.G. Wodehousehis supply of the milk of human kindness is plainly short by several gallons