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Vampirism Attribute Caps (spoiler)
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:52 am
by Arnfin
What I would like to know before trying out the Vampire is if when you reach 100 strength as a level one Vampire, can you still add 5 strength the next time you level up? Or, are you still capped at 100 even though 5 came from being a Vampire?
Also, if you have leveled your strength up to 100 before getting Vampirism, do you still get the 5 bonus? Would you still get 20 bonus at level four vampirism for a total of 120?
Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:02 pm
by Arok2092
Yes you will still get the plus 5 bonus no matter how high you are in your strength attribute. For instance because of the bonuses to my speed as a vampire I am well above 100 in speed. (I think it's like 175 or something.)
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:00 am
by Arnfin
Okay, here is how it works for the attributes...
If you want to get up to 120 in strength, speed or willpower with full vampirism, you must level those attributes to 100 before becoming a vampire.
Having 100 or more in any attribute due to vampirism during level up prevents you from adding points to that attribute.
To prove this, I took a normal character with 80 strength and 90 speed, gained vampirism, and began training light armor and blade by 10 each while letting my vampirism level up to full.
Upon level up I had 100 strength, and 110 speed due to the vampirism bonuses of 20 in each of those attributes. When I awoke, I was unable to add any points to strength or speed, as I had expected. Still, it was rather dissappointing.
I reverted to the save game I had created just for this contingency, and fed just before leveling up. This of course returned my vampirism level to it's lowest level, giving just 5 bonus points to strength and speed.
This time before going to sleep, my strength was 85 and my speed was 95, and I was able to add 5 points each to those attributes.
Since even the lowest level of vampirism gives a bonus of 5 points, I will never be able to gain a natural 100 to those attributes, or get to the 120 with full vampirism. Not to mention the fact that I will have to be very careful to feed before leveling up if I want to gain more strength in the future, and I know I do.
Just wanted to clear this up in case anyone else was interested in taking full advantage of the vampire route.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:43 pm
by Ajtn
you could always cure vampirism level everything to 100 then get infected again