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Final Battle *Spoilers*
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 12:56 am
by smaug
Okay i've waited quite a while to make one of those 'final battle posts' and here's what i think. i haven't solved it yet. what's up with the golems, they seem unattackable, and totally magic resistant? The Big B is equally magic resistant, but damn near impossible to hit. also his tactic of dispelling magic right way, keeps your party from 'loading up' on spells befor entering the room. The best i've done so far is to get him to 'hurt' on his damage meter before my party is decimated. so my questions are these: 1) what is the best general protection spell(s) to cast in order to weaken B's poweful magics? 2) what to do with those iron golems? i'm not looking for a spoiler (yet), just some strat from the good folks here who have already fought this battle.
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 3:10 am
by Mo
I think Protection from Fire is useful
[ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: Nordom'The'Modron ]
Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 4:04 pm
by Trym
The golems usually attack your weakest party member (= your mage, if you have one). Have your mage run around to distract the golems' attention from your other chars who can undisturbed attack Belhifereth.
Your mage (or druid) is almost useless in the combat with the boss (the demon is completly immune to magic) anyhow - the best thing he can do is preventing the golems from decimating yor party.
Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:16 am
by Gruntboy
Stick to the outer circle. Traps inside the circle will make life much more difficult (dispel mostly).
Trym is right, your weakest member can act as a decoy. Or you can use a *special* weapon to assist in their destruction (also weapons of +3 or greater are needed to hurt them).
Try protection from fire, defensive harmony and protection from evil 10'. Prayer is good - raises your THACO and lowers Big B's.
Mages can mirror image and stoneskin. Invisibility doesn't work (but does stop him dispelling - but not traps of course).
Tell us how it goes.