Authorotiies are after me!
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 8:51 am
I'm In the beginning of chapter three and now I got to go to the docks to complete a quest. But when i get there a message quicky comes up on the screen telling me that a gruop of guards and a cuople of cowled enforcers are gathering nearby and that obviously the authorties have haerd about my "miss-deads" in the city. and seconds after this a guard tells me that i'm sentenced to death for crimes against Amn. I can kill the gruop the first time, but they just come back after a short period of time. I really need help here and is there ANY way i can get them of my back? i payed 5,000 GP to taht guy in the government district a long time ago and when i told him that the cowled wizzards still was after me he told me that i had proven unwourthy... so pleeas help me Im desperate.
BTW helllo guys im new here so=P played the game for a while a year back but then i unstalled it and completely forgot about it before i found the CD's in my room again.
BTW helllo guys im new here so=P played the game for a while a year back but then i unstalled it and completely forgot about it before i found the CD's in my room again.