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IWD props...

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2001 11:07 pm
by FudD
i feel i must say this game is exceeding my expectations....truely a top quality product :D It runs extra smooth...i'm running it right now with irc open and downloading a HUGE file!! Mind you this is on 56k with a not so sweet of the cleanest games i've played in forever ;) ;)

I'm currently in The Severed Hand, the plot and dungeon layouts keep getting better....wo0t wo0t. Plus i have always been a fan of the whole party created by me....always was more fun to me than playing pregen party is sweet too...perfect for my style...

I think i like IWD more than BG.....hehe j/k...but man it is awesum and i felt i had to give props....w0ot w0ot!

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 2:55 am
by Onyx
Well, i'm glad you like it.
I too used to like BG but now i gotta say
that i like IMD more.
I think more of the BG players should give
IWD a go. Goog story, great music, beautiful
backgrounds, it's a really good game.
Also How & TotL add alot to the game.


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 5:59 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Onyx:
Also How & TotL add alot to the game.
HoW was a definite improvement graphics wise and also added a fairly decent story (but too damn short :( ) if you are going to buy IWD also buy HoW they are inseprebale IMO :)

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 10:56 am
by FudD
got all 3 installed ;)
in Upper Dorns now and im even more impressed.....i can't get enuff of this game....hehe

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 8:01 pm
FudD. you said you like games where "you" create the party.
me too.

what games would you recommend for a fellow creative controller such as myself.


Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2001 10:26 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by EL GORDO:
<STRONG>what games would you recommend for a fellow creative controller such as myself.</STRONG>
I also like the idea of creating my own party from scratch. I'd be interested in such recommendations as well. :)

I'm playing IWD right now(on my laptop, while using my desktop PC to be online :D ). I don't have HoW because I lack the funds. I'm currently soloing a Fighter/Mage/Thief and I'm actually enjoying this a little more than my 6-person party I have going in my IWD game on my desktop PC. Partially because it's easier to move one person around in tight spaces than 6 people. :D

It is definitely a great game, even though I've not gotten farther than where the Yuan-ti are... ^_^;; I'm currently in Khuldahar in my solo game.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 6:54 pm
by Nightmare
Also, the IWD starting is good (starting in a town), unlike the Irenicus Dungeon in BG2 (which force combat on you). The graphics and music in IWD is better than BG2. The story is linear, but quite interesting. And the PCs voices got annoyed if you clicked on them enough (like in Warcraft 2). :D Some dialogues were halirious (like the things you can say to Pomab at the begining :D ).

All in all, BG2 was "epic", and IMHO was funner, but IWD is very, very good.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2001 7:24 pm
by FudD
@El Gordo....welp d0od i'm only recently getting back into RPG's...played to much first person shooters for to long...and at heart i have always been an RPGer, it's my roots ;) Don't really know any right now other than IWD, HOW, TotL, SoA/ToB and TDD....SoA/ToB/TDD gave me a few lil probs when i created my own party and imported them but you can play them the same as IWD...i dunno tho IWD is just way more fun right now for me....when i find sum good games that allow true RPGin' i'll definately let you know...and please do the same ;)

@Gaxx_Firkraag...i feel just the opposite on the sound sets for both games...BG2 had me bad mouthing the screen, i got so sick of the PC/NPC voices....i got sum good ones now (dl) but for some reason the sound set for IWD just fit my party really really perfectly :) my whole party is really really tight for that matter...btw BG2 gets annoying for me cause when your in chptr 2 you get like 40 quests to do and man its just to much to deal with when your old and slow like me :)

and like i said this game runs perfect for me....not a single crash yet and loads 4x the speed of BG2....if im running to much BG2 will crash or lag bad....but not the case with IWD....i'm just overjoyed with this product....w0ot w0ot!