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Looking for news on Heart of Winter
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2001 8:40 am
by Aegnor
I've been looking for info on HoW but find no specifics, i.e. is it a sequel, add-on (like TOSC for BGI), rules update or what?
If I missed something while searching Game Banshee please just post the link.
Posted: Mon Jan 29, 2001 9:35 am
by T'lainya
It's an expansion pack like ToSC. It will add spells, ares,monsters etc and will allow a higher XP level.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2001 7:36 am
by Aegnor
Originally posted by Buck Satan:
Not only that, but they are going to allow your characters to hit upwards of 30th level, so it's going to make dungeon hacking serious fun =)... without using a cap remover or cheat.
Ahh, but I didn't even get near the cap in the original with a party of six. Are they going to give enough quests to go this high, or will it be a hacking benefit only?
Also, any possibility the new classes & kits from BGII will be included?
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2001 8:20 am
by Kronic
I hope theres way more side quest.
And a bigger town to visit and dont forget more areas to go to, open end adventuring.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2001 8:55 am
by Gruntboy
No new kits or classes
Only new areas, spells and monsters. I think they will add 4 or 5 map locations like Dorn's Deep/Seldarine hand (i.e. severl maps per area) which accounts for an *awful* lot of time and XP.
Check out my replies to lich_lord for a good preview.
Posted: Tue Jan 30, 2001 9:50 am
by T'lainya
They ahve tweaked a few of the classes most notably the druid and bard. The powers are going to be more in line with the rest of the classes.