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Character Build Poll.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:23 am
by AmpaSand
As I can't seem to find a thread for this i'm wondering, do you like to play as a rogue, mage, or warrior. I know that by the time you're level 20+ it will have diveraified a bit but I mean initally. I would also like to know exactly how you built the character (major, minor and race) and why you chose that build.

To start it off

I chose an orcish fighter with Axe, Block, Heavy armour, alteration and mystisim as majors and short blade, armourer, speechcraft , blunt weapon and alchemy as minors.

I had never played a pure(ish) fighter before and i found with this build i could take on tougher opponents at lowere levels and thoughly whomp them.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 2:29 am
by FiresFriend64
I prefer stealth, but keep it pretty well balanced.
Dark elf, The Atronach, favorite attributes: speed and luck
majors: short blades, long blades (when short blades just cant get the job done), enchant, security, speechcraft
minors: light armor, marksman (cliff racers ¬¬ ), sneak, athletics, mysticism

dont need mercantile or acrobatics in those cause Ill level them to 100 without master trainers before i reach level 20 :D

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 3:12 am
by AmpaSand
Just where are the magical bit of balanced? Also Why did you put your armour as a minor? And how / why do you level your mecentile up so fast?

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:34 pm
by Coot
I've tried different kind of pc's but my favorite, by far, is a stealth based character. I use magical skills as long as they complement the stealth abilities and marksmanship to avoid melee combat.

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 1:40 pm
by dragon wench
I almost always play a mage/rogue type of character. Though, sometimes I vary it by playing a fighter/mage.
I *never* play just a pure fighter, however. That bores me ;)

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:13 pm
by joe05
Dark Elf

Light Armor


Buy 10pts in Armorer to up STR.
Buy Alchemy when needed.
Buy Destruction to up WILL.
(... after I hit 10/10)

Buy Enchant and Speechcraft.

I usually can accumulate $400,000 early ... so I buy what I need when needed
I know it's chessy, but it's this or I'm "Swiss cheese-d" (LOL)

I'm still trying to figure out what works best for me = looks like a "Scout" build
I like and need distance = Bow/Spear

I can't dagger enemies like DW :-)

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 9:55 pm
by fable
If mages were truly capable of working on their own in Morrowind, I'd probably try one, but since they can't, I usually run a fighter/mage.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 2:02 am
by kagemusha
I had few pure fighter characters, most of them focused on a samurai role play. Typical, yeah I know. Now I do this combo thing, which feels as some sort of jedi character.

Something bores me with mage practice, I have more pleasure in using the bow from distance, and then few quick cuts with a long blade.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:57 am
by FiresFriend64
AmpaSand wrote:Just where are the magical bit of balanced? Also Why did you put your armour as a minor? And how / why do you level your mecentile up so fast?
Well since I'm under the atronach, I have stunted magicka. That leads to some hastles to doing a few things. I chose mysticism because absorb health is great in a fight, also I do my own teleporting. I dont need alteration or destruction because I enchant items for all that and I use scrolls for conjuring. Next build I'll probably substitute something for Illusion for things like charm and calm, and maybe go for the sign of the apprentice.

I put my armor as a minor because by the time I get to where I'm ready for some big fights with daedra and 6th house, I'd have a wide assortment of all 3 armor types and see trainers to raise them.

I have sticky fingers :D Every where I go I grab all clothing worth over 50 drakes, ingrediants worth over 25, all scrolls, all potions that havent spoiled, all dwemer weapons/armor, all demon/fiend/devil items that dont have "nerfed" values, just about anything thats worth selling and then I sell all that to the merchants in Balmora. (Nalcarya of White Haven rules!)

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:09 am
by Cyrinn
Rogue/mage is my first choice in all games I have played including BG series, IWD series, NWN series, and Elder Scrolls series :cool:

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:26 am
by Isillur Thorne
Mages= TOTALLY viable
fable wrote:If mages were truly capable of working on their own in Morrowind, I'd probably try one, but since they can't, I usually run a fighter/mage.
A pure mage is insanely viable in Morrowind. Breton/ apprentice combo is awesome. As is Altmer/Atronach.

Biggest problem is magicka supply, so get your int up and viola! Increasing int-based skills (alchemy especially) is laughably easy and there is no reason whatsoever for a mage to NOT have a x5 multiplier on int every level.

That being said it's a good idea to take your first few levels training up alchemy, enchant, and conjuration to increase your int before you try fighting anything of consequence. Also, consider training up endurance based skills (which one or two you pick doesn't really matter) to increase the amount of health you get per lvl.

A lvl 20 mage is virtually unstopable if they're careful about magicka usage, and if it was a well-thought-out build even that shouldn't be a major issue. (not to mention the added magicka pool granted by enchanting)

You'll either be flying above the fight, hiding behind an unstoppable summon, paralyzing everything around you, or otherwise incapacitating your enemies (dmg fatigue, str, or end; blind, command, etc. etc.), so you're pretty much invincible.

Possible build for pure mage:

Race: Breton
Sign: Apprentice (atronach works toobut is annoying, and mage just isn't quite enough to get the job done)

Specialty: magic (obviously)
Favored attributes: int and luck

Light Armor (no reason not to and unarmored is not worth the spot on your skill list)

Short Blade/ Blunt Weapon (if you're really that insecure about your magicka running out)

Good spells to use once you get high enough are weakness to fire/magicka/poison/etc., paralyze over area, command, and i personally find blind to be extremely useful (makes enemies miss you A LOT, and if 100% or close they will simply run away)

If your enemy cant do anything, they should fall very fast to the tremendous amounts of damage you can deal.