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Gothic III bugs and patches

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 12:52 pm
by Gilliatt
I checked the G3 forum, but cannot get a reliable answer since it just looks like a war between the pro-JW and the anti-JW. There are so many contradicting informations that I am not able to see who I should trust.

What I would like to know is if the game is still too buggy to be enjoyable or if they have done a good job with the patches.

I am considering buying this game, but am not interested if it is still crippled with bugs.

So has anyone here played the game with the patches? How was it? (By that I mean did it work well, not did you like the game. ;) )

Thanks in advance. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:42 pm
by DesR85
Gilliatt wrote: What I would like to know is if the game is still too buggy to be enjoyable or if they have done a good job with the patches.

I am considering buying this game, but am not interested if it is still crippled with bugs.
Yes. It's still very buggy even after you installed the latest official patch. Not to worry, though, as there are a few user-made patches that made the game more stable. Haven't tried them yet as I've deleted the game months ago. :(

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 8:32 pm
by Lady Dragonfly
Gilliatt wrote:I checked the G3 forum, but cannot get a reliable answer since it just looks like a war between the pro-JW and the anti-JW. There are so many contradicting informations that I am not able to see who I should trust.

What I would like to know is if the game is still too buggy to be enjoyable or if they have done a good job with the patches.

I am considering buying this game, but am not interested if it is still crippled with bugs.

So has anyone here played the game with the patches? How was it? (By that I mean did it work well, not did you like the game. ;) )

Thanks in advance. :)
I assume you consider the European version, and I played the North-American.
Even as buggy as it was in the very beginning, the game was still very enjoyable. Practically, the best RPG of the year. With the latest patch, it runs nice and smooth, but not all bugs were eliminated. However, they are minor and don't affect the gameplay.
A little spoiler: you still cannot learn to make poison. But I personally did not miss that skill.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 11:16 pm
by DesR85
Lady Dragonfly wrote: Even as buggy as it was in the very beginning, the game was still very enjoyable. Practically, the best RPG of the year. With the latest patch, it runs nice and smooth, but not all bugs were eliminated. However, they are minor and don't affect the gameplay.
Mine was the European version and I ever encountered some serious bugs in there such as the game world suddenly disappearing into a void, or 'peeling away' as what I call it. Another bug is where I have to follow some guy and for some odd reason, he suddenly appeared at the top of an impassable cliff and was forced to reload the game as a result. These bugs happened from time to time throughout the whole game. As a result of these bugs (and other reasons), I quit playing it in disgust.

I'm wondering whether if the US version also have the same problem? :confused:

Posted: Fri Aug 10, 2007 4:48 pm
by Lady Dragonfly
DesR85 wrote: These bugs happened from time to time throughout the whole game. As a result of these bugs (and other reasons), I quit playing it in disgust.

I'm wondering whether if the US version also have the same problem? :confused:
Not any more. There are still some graphics glitches, but nothing that would warrant major indigestion.

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2007 4:13 am
by DesR85
Lady Dragonfly wrote:Not any more. There are still some graphics glitches, but nothing that would warrant major indigestion.
I see. I forgot to mention that mine was also patched to the latest version (official patches, that is) and that problem is still present. I wonder if these community patches have fixed that problem? Meh. Too late for that now. It's gone for good. :o

Posted: Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:10 am
by Celos
I played with the latest patch. Encountered only a few bugs during the entire play through. One was a major graphics glitch, but it was easily fixed by playing around with some settings. Nothing game breaking.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 1:19 pm
by Gilliatt
Thank you all for the replys. :)

I'll probably buy the game in a couple of weeks.

Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:12 pm
by DesR85
Have you tried playing the demo of this game? Because I suggest you do so before buying the game to see whether you like it or not.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:27 am
by Gilliatt
DesR85 wrote:Have you tried playing the demo of this game? Because I suggest you do so before buying the game to see whether you like it or not.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I have already played Gothic I, so I guess it will be in the same vein. Gothic I was not amongst my favorite games, but I enjoyed it enough to play the others.

The second reason why I don't download demos, is that during my university years I stopped playing games completely, so I am very late (the most recent game I ever played was Baldur's Gate II.) So if I try the demos before I buy the games, by the time I get to Gothic III, the game won't be in stores anymore. And since I don't have much time to play, I want to spend it on a complete game. (As you can guess, I'll probably play Gothic III in about 5 years.)

The advantage of being so late, is that I always wait when games are cheap and are released with their extensions (Gold, Platinum Editions, etc.) before I buy them. So the worst thing that can happen here is that I lose $20.

By the way, the next game on my list is FF VIII. I'll probably play it in October if I can get my vacations. I think that is a choice you will approve. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 9:27 am
by DesR85
Gilliatt wrote: By the way, the next game on my list is FF VIII. I'll probably play it in October if I can get my vacations. I think that is a choice you will approve. :)
Nice game, I highly recommend it, though it's a tad easier than FFVII, to be honest. Don't get me wrong, the story is good and all (though cheesy at certain parts) but the game mechanics itself is a step downwards from it's predecessor, in my opinion. I've also heard of some problems when trying to run FFVIII on Windows XP but I can't comment much since I've played it a few years ago when I was still using Windows 98 (and it ran fine back then). :(

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 6:40 am
by Centurion
Gothic III Patch
Gilliatt wrote:I checked the G3 forum, but cannot get a reliable answer since it just looks like a war between the pro-JW and the anti-JW. There are so many contradicting informations that I am not able to see who I should trust.

What I would like to know is if the game is still too buggy to be enjoyable or if they have done a good job with the patches.

I am considering buying this game, but am not interested if it is still crippled with bugs.

So has anyone here played the game with the patches? How was it? (By that I mean did it work well, not did you like the game. ;) )

Thanks in advance. :)
After deleting G3 and all saved games under "Add or Remove programs"...
Do a search for "Aspyr". Delete the game folder. With a fresh installation apply Community Patch 1.6 . Everything should be fine. Don't forget to peruse the "read me" file.

Here's the link for the patch: World of Gothic