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An Evil Conqueror - Post Final Battle

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 9:29 pm
by Valas

I've finally beat the game. I've taken the route of evil.

:devil: My evil mage looks absolutely demonic,...His red eyes glow from behind Jacks mask, and mighty horns reach to the sky as if to threaten the Gods themselves. His Dark will users robes flow threw the red mist that gathers at his feat.

And I... I am satisfied... However, there is still much to do and I have a few curious questions left. Someone can assist...

1) Glowing tattoos and Hands?
- I have heard that if you master Will and all of the spells in your repertoire... Well I have done that... I have Mastered Will as well as every spell I have, Lightning, Infernal Wrath, Drain life, Multi-Strike and Assassin Rush. Yet Still now glowing hands or Tattoos... Is it because I am evil? Or must I master all of the spells?

2) Best Way to earn Xp?- I know this has been answered in threads before... and I have tried many of the suggestions to no real success... and now that the game is over (Gold quests anyway) Is there anyway to make a butload of Xp with little work...
(PS: I have gone to the graveyard to kill undead, and they no longer inhabit the place... as well I have tried the dig at lookout point metheod, no success)

3) Easy money?
- I assume I should learn *some* guile... but I diden't as such, I am a crappy trader... So is there any other way to make some quick cash... (PS: sold all my legenday equipment I diden't use already)

4) Immortality? No more aging?- I have Jacks mask, and Jacks spirit mensions that I will be immortal... Sounds good to me :devil: At the time I was 50. Then I gave 100,000 gold to the temple of Avo. They gave me some wimpy stick of a weapon. So I gave them another 100 gold and they gave me the gift of life! and my age became 40!

So my Question is: Now that I have the mask, Do I still age?

Thanx, and cheers for the bad guys! :devil: