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fallen status

Posted: Thu May 24, 2001 1:22 pm
by bobbo
i killed bandthon or whoever in dorns deep after he got impatient with me at asking him questions. i dont know if this is the cause of my not being able to have more thab one priest spell each level for my ranger and paladin. Am i fallen because it doesnt say?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2001 1:51 pm
by Sojourner
No, you're not fallen. Rangers and paladins gain clerical spells very slowly. Check out the tables in the back of your game manual for more details.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2001 3:01 pm
by bobbo
yeah but my p is lev 13 w/ 1 level 1, 1 l2, and 1 l3
my ranger is the same

Posted: Thu May 24, 2001 9:51 pm
by Sojourner
Do you have HoW installed?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2001 10:11 am
by bobbo
yeah i think how just changed the rules to macth ad&d because it gives a spell every three or so now

Posted: Fri May 25, 2001 10:35 am
by Yshania
My Paladin and Ranger are both Level 17 and have only 2 level 1, 2 level 2, 2 level 3 and 1 level 4 spell slots, though quite a few to choose from (average 10 per level).

I am playing in Heart of Fury mode so I don`t know if this has any effect.

My dual classed fighter cleric (Level 14 fighter level 15 cleric) has 9 level 1 slots, 9 level 2, 8 level 3, 7 level 4, 4 level 5, 2 level 6 and 1 level 7.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2001 2:34 pm
by Sojourner
Originally posted by tweezed:
<STRONG>yeah i think how just changed the rules to macth ad&d because it gives a spell every three or so now</STRONG>
Yea, they did - the spell tables were changed for HoW.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2001 5:44 pm
by KidD01
FYI you can check on your char stats. if your char become fallen then it shows on your char class.