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where is the daughter

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 8:57 pm
by hoyboy1
alrite this going to sound pretty gay but where is lord davenmores daughter. it told me to look in bolen fields but i can't find her


Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 4:01 am
by swcarter
You won't find Mara in Bolen Fields, but you will find Lord Graemare there. Did you talk to him?


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:54 am
by Arlyana
i talked to him but still can't find her.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 10:44 am
by 1Bob
The daughter is a quest that won't be completed until the near end. You receive clues on where to find her, or more appropriately where to find the next clue.
By finding the daughter, and ensuring her safe return to her father, you set the game on course for the finale. There is no going back to the way things were. There are ways to continue exploring (mountain climbing) and to continue leveling (drake slaying), but for the most part exploring and leveling are over and its time to finish the game.

Here are the essential steps in order:

Talk to Lord Graemare.
Place Galdryn’s Horn in the Chamber of Spirits.
Return to Emmindor to tell him the news.
Enter Fargrove and defeat Captain Okatta.
Talk to Gileah at the tavern. (talking to her before defeating Okatta does nothing for you)
Talk to Mara at Harrow Ruins.
Talk to Vartugg at Skuldoon. Do what he asks.
Return the other 3 relics (4 total) to the Chamber of Spirits.
Talk to Vartugg again (when you finish his quests, he will be out of the office until you place the 4 relics). He will tell you where and how to find the daughter.