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need help to perfect my almost pure rogue

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:03 pm
by dutman
Classes Rogue(19), Shadowdancer(1)

Race: Strongheart Halfling

STR: 14(18)
DEX: 17(18)
CON: 14
WIS: 10
INT: 14
CHA: 8

Lvl 01: Rogue(1): Devout, Dodge, Combat Expertise,{Trapfinding}
Lvl 02: Rogue(2): {Evasion}
Lvl 03: Rogue(3): Weapon Finesse
Lvl 04: Rogue(4): str+1, {Uncanny Dodge}, (STR=15)
Lvl 05: Rogue(5)
Lvl 06: Rogue(6): Feint
Lvl 07: Rogue(7)
Lvl 08: Rogue(8): str+1, {Improved Uncanny Dodge}, (STR=16)
Lvl 09: Rogue(9): Mobility
Lvl 10: Shadowdancer(1): {Hide in Plain Sight}
Lvl 11: Rogue(10): Crippling Strike
Lvl 12: Rogue(11): dex+1, Two-Weapon Fighting, (DEX=18)
Lvl 13: Rogue(12)
Lvl 14: Rogue(13): Opportunist
Lvl 15: Rogue(14): Two-Weapon Defense
Lvl 16: Rogue(15): str+1, (STR=17)
Lvl 17: Rogue(16): Slippery Mind
Lvl 18: Rogue(17): Impr. Two-Weapon Fighting
Lvl 19: Rogue(18)
Lvl 20: Rogue(19): str+1, Improved Evasion (STR=18)

Hitpoints: 162
BAB: 14
Saving Throws (Fortitude/Reflex/Will): 8/17/7

Skillpoints: 228
Max. Melee AB: 19, Max. Ranged AB: 20

Sneak Attack: 10d6

Appraise: 22(24), Diplomacy: 23(21), Disable Device: 23(25), Hide: 23(27), Lore: 22(24), Move Silently: 23(29), Open Lock: 22(26), Spot: 23(23), Tumble: 23(27), Use Magic Device: 23(22)

Any changes/ advise would be helpful

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:08 pm
by Cyrinn
Pretty popular build, I prefer to take 2 levels of fighter to get some extra feats so you can be more powerful in combat. It wouldn't hurt, IMO, to take 4 levels at the cost of sneak attack and some skill pts.

Sneak attack is powerful, but there are a number of enemies that are immune.

I see you plan on dual-wielding, but this will limit you to daggers (kukris if you take exotic prof.).

You can stop taking Tumble around 15, I believe, since at this point you automatically beat the check. The only advantage would to take it to 20 for the +1 AC.

I would take Luck of Heroes over Devout, you get +1 to all saves.

Feint is useless with your build. It relies on a Bluff check, which you don't have any pts in? Plus no pts. in CHA, and I cannot speak from experience, but I hear Feint is difficult to pull off even with a maxed Bluff. Oh, and when you Feint, you only attack once in that round, rather than up to 6-7 times when dual-wielding.

Two-weapon defense is OK, but you can increase you AB +1 instead by taking weapon focus, or damage by take improved critical.

Looks good other than that :cool:

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:57 pm
by sort-vampyr
Cyrinn wrote:You can stop taking Tumble around 15, I believe, since at this point you automatically beat the check. The only advantage would to take it to 20 for the +1 AC.
The DC is 15 (as you said) but only for the first tumble attempt in that round each tumble attempt in the same round has a cumulative +2 to the DC. So if you are moving through big gangs the DC quickly raises to beyond 20. But then again How much tumble do you need? With 15 ranks you can easily tumble past like 10 enemies. Haven't got anything else to apply

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:26 pm
by Claudius
You could take 4 levels of fighter and 3 of neverwinter nine which would cost 2D6 sneak attack damage but would bring you to 7 attacks per round and give weapon specialization (+2 damage/hit). The first is very relevant since the round is broken into 3 segments. With 6 attacks the first segment is 2 attacks but with 7 it is 3. That means when you hips and backstab you get 3x sneaks before they turn around rather than 2. So 2 X 10D6 is not as good as 3 X (8D6 +2). Your AB would also go up.

You'll probably still have enough rogue skills. You don't need improved evasion with high reflex save so much. High AB is as good as opportunist. You get more HP and +10% speed.

also consider 8 assassin instead of shadow dancer. Its stronger in the long run but takes time to get you hips.

rogue3assassin9fighter4NWN4 for 7 attacks/round 9d6 sneak HIPS ghostly visage/invisibility/improved invisibility/darkness(take blindfighting)/beneficial aura/2 feats + weapon specialization

lose rogue special feats but most everything dies to 3 X 9D6 anyhow (crippling strike), slippery mind is actually best at moderate will save (because at low you still have a fair chance to fail both rolls), opportunist isn't as good as a high AB because high AB is always in effect, improved evasion doesn't help a double reflex save (assassin rogue) much anyhow because with such high reflexes you make your evasion check usually anyhow.