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Where are the captives???
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2001 7:05 am
by Leo
In the Dragon's Eye second dungeon I saved a priestess, who said there were some other prisonersd to the south-east, but I didn't find them. And I found no children "that were kept in a separate cave". I thought they were killed in battle, but I found no bodies, where are they? What to do???
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2001 7:43 am
by Mr Sleep
It doesn't matter too much, you don't gain much (if any) XP for saving them, if it is a bug then i wouldn't be too concerned
Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2001 8:20 pm
by reedimus
the captives are on that level, you just need to look hard. I don't remember how much exp you get, but I do remember that if you free the children you find out that one of them is the child of the blacksmith in kuldahar. when you go back there next he gives you the key to open that chest in his back room. so if you haven't found any other way to get into it, finding his kid would be a good idea.