Help!!! - Forced to do evil quest!!
Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 5:32 am
Hi, i was wondering if its possible to cancel the quest "execution tree rescue" i accidently chose the evil quest and have played the game as a good character all the way up too now.
i have tried teleporting out of the quest area to abandon the quest but when i do this a window pops up giving me a choice to either resume what im doing in the area or reload to the start of the quest.
i thought to myself, agh screw it ill just do an evil quest just this once. so i did the quest, now everyone in the town hates me and the guards attack me when im walking around the forest areas.
ive also had a look to see if i could load it back to before i got the quest, but the only save file i had was after i grabbed the quest, the only other save dates back to when i first started the game and loading that up would be pointless.
Please help me, i dont want to be forced to convert my character to become evil or forced to start a new game.
reply a.s.a.p! i need to cancel this mission
Please help! i dont want to be forced to make my character evil, ive gotten this far as a good character
i have tried teleporting out of the quest area to abandon the quest but when i do this a window pops up giving me a choice to either resume what im doing in the area or reload to the start of the quest.
i thought to myself, agh screw it ill just do an evil quest just this once. so i did the quest, now everyone in the town hates me and the guards attack me when im walking around the forest areas.
ive also had a look to see if i could load it back to before i got the quest, but the only save file i had was after i grabbed the quest, the only other save dates back to when i first started the game and loading that up would be pointless.
Please help me, i dont want to be forced to convert my character to become evil or forced to start a new game.
reply a.s.a.p! i need to cancel this mission
Please help! i dont want to be forced to make my character evil, ive gotten this far as a good character