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how to do the 3 secret quests

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 5:49 pm
by u get owned
ok ppl i know these quest arent exactly secret but u can only do them before wasp queen and many ppl hav asked me about this and i think i shld make a thread on this just in case ok so here goes

ok go through the guld and all as usual (this is easyer to do if ur evil or nuetral)dont start any quests get 3 physique so u can hot gr8axe l8er coz this makes it a whole lot easyer when u leave the guild just go as fast as u can to oakvale and talk to the ghost on the small beach and go dig up the 500 and then go to the memorial place and dig under the statue axe to get the obby great axe (u also get a silver key) then go around killing everything like bandits and whasps and ppl in places like gr8wood ect. until iether very famous or legend status(this will take ages and requires alot of patience) however then upgrade and start all 3 optional quests (i'm not sure if gates to knothel glade hook coast and witchwood open then or u have to play all the way till u unlock them but it is worth it :D

Posted: Thu Aug 16, 2007 8:45 pm
by swcarter
They're not real quests. You can't do them. Thread closed.