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Trouble at the Empire Hotel

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 11:45 am
by revengeforwanda
Ok, so I'm doing the "And her name was venus" quest. At one point in the game, I entered the penthouse level and encountered the guard at boris' door. I went away when he told me to, and then more guards came out and attacked me when I started to explore. I left, came back and killed all the guards, including ( I think) the one at the door. But the trouble is, the door to boris' room is locked, and it appearently isn't the kind I can lockpick. My log says that I still need to kill boris but I can't get to him! I tried the air ducts to but they didn't lead to his room. Please help!

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:15 pm
by Shizz
The only way to get to Boris is to convince his guard to let you in - this can be done via Domination/Dementation, if you're Ventrue/Malkavian, through the use of social skills or by telling him you've got a message from Boris' "ladyfriend" (iirc).

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:20 pm
by revengeforwanda
but I heard you can also just kill the guard and Boris will come outside right?

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 2:58 pm
by patchmcpatch
No mate

No mat sorry u cant do that. What class are you? bruhaj or gangrel right?
My advice would be dont think fighting will get you every where I think its The skill above intelligence in the character sheet (default "c") it gives you research and persuasion when you train in it. The most useful thing i ever used.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2007 3:04 pm
by revengeforwanda
Ahh... Then I guess I'm screwed.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 4:41 am
by Wesp5
revengeforwanda wrote:Ahh... Then I guess I'm screwed.
If you use the unofficial patch Boris' door will be openable even if you attack Dema, because on opening that door the python script checks if Dema is dead and that would make no sense at all if you couldn't open it in that case anyway.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:56 pm
by Tessera
revengeforwanda wrote:Ahh... Then I guess I'm screwed.
Well, not really, but it depends on whether or not you're playing the originally intended quest (using official patch 1.2 and True Patch 4.04AT). I think one of the intentions behind that scenario was to give the player an incentive to develop their social skills (Persuasion, Intimidation, etc). When you start running into road blocks of this type in the game, it's often an indication that your character is not properly balanced. Check your stat sheet, and see where you have weaknesses.

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:12 am
by Wesp5
Tessera wrote:Well, not really, but it depends on whether or not you're playing the originally intended quest (using official patch 1.2 and True Patch 4.04AT).
I think the evidence in the python file clearly suggests that is was intended like I restored it and it was only released in a different state because of the bad QA of Bloodlines.
I think one of the intentions behind that scenario was to give the player an incentive to develop their social skills (Persuasion, Intimidation, etc).
I disagree. While it is important to have social skills in Bloodlines, I think all other similar situations in the game offer the player a choice between talking and fighting.

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:15 pm
by lordhoff
Playing as a Nost, the conversation went nowhere so I eliminated the guard and was able to walk right in Boris's office (however, Boris was not in a talking mood so the fight was on). Maybe because you left this option went away? This is my first time thru - do options really vary that greatly between clans?

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2007 2:15 am
by rogue4ever
~--> noclip

this will solve your problem, I don't feel wrong to cheat when the game is bugged, its your choice though

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:12 am
by Tessera
Wesp5 wrote:I disagree. While it is important to have social skills in Bloodlines, I think all other similar situations in the game offer the player a choice between talking and fighting.
It's a roleplaying game, Wesp. Give it a try sometime. Certain clans and builds can go through almost the entire game with almost no physical fighting at all. That's what true roleplaying games are all about, and that's what vampiric and social abilities are for. You can just use guns all the time, or try for a more sophisticated approach and use your head instead. Using your head is often more challenging and rewarding for patient and intelligent players. It's just that using your head doesn't go "BOOM, BOOM" all the time.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:17 am
by fable
Again, Tessera, you were told not to reply to Wesp in any thread, by the site owner. Apparently, this didn't take after your 1-week ban, and you pushed things in a spirit of ridicule, too. So you're out once more, and for a month.

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 7:43 am
by Wesp5
Tessera wrote:That's what true roleplaying games are all about, and that's what vampiric and social abilities are for.
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to answer to Tessera now ;) , but while I agree to the above, a good RPG gives you a choice of solutions too and Bloodlines does this all the time except for some buggy situations like this one.