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unique question about book collection quest. never heard of this problem before.

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 2:21 am
by masamune29
Hey guys, new to the forums! I have run into a problem with the book collection quest that I have never seen discussed anywhere (I have searched EVERYWHERE) and was wondering if anyone has had this occur or has any way to fix it. I'm playing TLC on xbox by the way. Anyways, my problem is that I used the Hero Save "trick" in order to get both Bright and Dark Wizard hats from the teacher by donating books during the Find the Archeologist quest, hero saving, reloading, and donating other books to get both hats. My problem, I think, is that the books I donated the FIRST time were unique ones, and ones that do NOT respawn, such as Oakvale Raid, Repentant Alchemist, and the Trials of Arkan. I think when I Hero saved, it therefore removed those books from my game, but didn't register as having donated them, and I can't seem to get those books back by searching or stealing. Does anyone have any suggestions? I used another hero save exploit to get the silver key I am missing by not completing the book quest, but I would still like to finish the quest if possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated! thanks!

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:45 pm
by badboyd22
Never heard of this before... odd. Dont know if some books are unique, you might find them on a traveling trader. (tip: search the data base here)

To bad you dont play the PC, a trainer would have solved this problem easely..

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 3:52 pm
by Loredweller
Books do respawn, at least in the Guild and for me :)
To be sure you can read it before final exam, so they still stay in your read list, altogether they all respawn if you come back as a full grown Hero.