Silly question about Wilfred the Red
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 8:00 pm
I see on the walkthough if you talk to him and say he's a liar, he'll give you gold and exp. I never get that option. I listen to his story, say that's fascinating, and he leaves. Or I listen, say I have to go now, and he leaves. I've tried with high Charisma, low char, male char, female char, talked to everyone else in the tent first... I just can't seem to get the option of calling him a liar.
I know how silly this is, but it's just one of those argh-ly kind of things.
Anyone know what my problem is? (Don't answer that...
I know how silly this is, but it's just one of those argh-ly kind of things.
Anyone know what my problem is? (Don't answer that...