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Ultimate Heist-Lost Catacombs-Ayleid Room*possible spoilers*
Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:01 pm
by Sean The Owner
I'm in the Ayleid looking room in the Lost Catacombs, where there is the two crystal push blocks. I push both, in every variation I can think of, which is 3: Left first-right second, right first-left second and doing it really fast and the door does not open.
I have already used the Search option, and the threads that came up were useless, so don't tell me to try that.
Also, I have checked the walkthrough, and that doesn't help either.
I have a save when I'm still with the Gray Fox, so if I need to try again, I can, but I'd prefer to just keep going...
Edit: Playing 360 btw.
Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 5:11 am
by Aylied_King
so are you at the part (SPOILER ALERT)with the big room, and theres a ledge being blocked by 2 very large stone blocks? Well if so, you really need to check around in the side rooms that are beside the large stone blocks. Then if you walk forward you will step on a plate, then you have to shoot the arrow of extraction, threw a little tiny whole. then you go rob the castle
Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2007 9:27 pm
by Sean The Owner
Well, that wasn't the actual part I meant, but now that is where I am stuck, I will try this out when I have time, thanks.
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 11:08 am
by 0zed0
first room
hi i'm stuck in that room with the two crystal blocks and two crystal guardians.
how did you get past the iron gate?
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 2:12 pm
by lifeishell91
Try looking it up on the [url=""]UESPWiki[/url].
Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:11 pm
by Fljotsdale
Crystal blocks and crystal guardians?
I've done the Ultimate Heist so many times I can do it sleepwalking, but I never met those... Is it different with a 360 than with a PC?
Or do you mean the bit where you have to use the Boots to jump up onto the elevated area, because the stairs don't work, and then press the buttons to open the door? If so, you just need to push 'em once, and the door opens. But crystal guardians? Hm. Do you mean Frost Atronachs? What you get depends on your level - anything from skeleton to Lich, usually. I've never met Atronachs in there.