Ninafer NPC Mod V1.01B Released
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:19 pm
The Chosen of Mystra Community is proud to present the release of the Ninafer NPC mod version 1.01B. This is the first update of this mod since it was released in 2004 as a “One Day NPC Mod”. New content has been added which include:
• Added more banters between Ninafer and other joinable NPCs.
• Added more interjections and comments.
• Added more information on her background.
• Added Throne of Bhaal content.
The new content is the accumulation of three years work when I had the chance to work on it. This is the completed content. The incomplete content will be added to Phase 2 of the beta mod release. More information and download location can be found at her forums.
• Added more banters between Ninafer and other joinable NPCs.
• Added more interjections and comments.
• Added more information on her background.
• Added Throne of Bhaal content.
The new content is the accumulation of three years work when I had the chance to work on it. This is the completed content. The incomplete content will be added to Phase 2 of the beta mod release. More information and download location can be found at her forums.