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HoF: Shaegarne's Bridge... the easy way!

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:28 am
by Klorox
I just started by having one of my back row casters cast "Invisibility Sphere" and then walked right over to Zuki (is that her name)?

She can see you, but nobody else can. You kill her and then pick off just a few baddies at a time (led by a backstabbing Rogue of course!).

So far, this is the only battle I've found easier in HoF mode, since I have access to much higher spells.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:43 pm
by Claudius
Hmmm. I suppose with enough mages and sorceresses (hey I've played with a specialist mage and 2 sorceresses before) you could do that in normal mode too...