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Turning Khelgar into a Monk
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:05 pm
by Suicide Girl
Turning Khelgar
[url=""](similar thread here)[/url] Didn't think it a very wise idea to start kicking a three-month-old thread.
Just like Mr.Me, I've completed Khelgar's three Trials and spoken to Hlam at the Temple (closing all three trial quests in one go). When he offered Khelgar to learn monkhood at the temple, no matter which response I choose I end up failing an influence check. It's been said that there is a conversation to be had with Khelgar after this, about his becoming a monk, but the only options I have are the two old ones - "More to fighting than fighting" and "Becoming a monk is a fool's quest".
The first option leads to the "If I prove otherwise" response, but according to Khelgar's .dlg file, it should eventually lead to "{Multiple successes}If there's anything I've shown you, it's when you control when and how a fight begins, you've won already.", which in turn leads to Khelgar deciding to become a monk.
How do I get to that line? My influence with Khelgar is at 9, and I've succeeded the check when talking to him about becoming a monk, and solving the Trial of the Even-handed (and, according to the .dlg file, that's all of them).
Thank you for your time, and sorry about the long-winded post!
Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 6:33 pm
by Mz_Trixter
I never had much difficulty with turning him into a monk, although I was abit worried it'd affect Kelhgars other quest concerning Ironfist/allies. The way I handled the overall quest was 1 trial at a time rather than all at once. While doing so, I bagged all the influence pts I could with him.
The last dialogue I had w/ him before he changed was:
''Are you sure want to go through with this?''
Khelgar: ''Well, I didn't come all this way for nothing and I'm not going to be anymore ready than I am now.''
Otherwise, I'm not really sure on what's keeping you from doing the same. Only things that comes to mind may be either not enough influence OR failed trigger
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2007 1:34 pm
by danhvo
If I remember correctly, the dialog option to convert Khelgar into a monk shows up when you initiate a conversation with Hlam, not with Khelgar, so perhaps you're looking at the wrong dlg file. Letting him convert doesn't require an influence check; talking him out of it does, although you will always fail that check. However, the result of failing that check is that it's left undecided (and Khelgar remains a fighter), and that you can always talk to Hlam again to start the conversion.
I played the game twice. The first time, I let him convert to a monk. The second time, I chose not to. The second choice is superior, in my opinion. As a fighter, he can wield one of the coolest weapons later on (sorry, is that considered a spoiler?). So if you can't convert him to a monk, don't worry too much about it.
Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2007 10:53 am
by shift244
I believe that the priest opens the dialog session between the three of you on Kheldgar becoming a monk. Closing all 3 quests at the same time might just be the reason the script did not trigger properly (and I believe, you also loose some xp for completing the quests, the game just gives you the xp for completing one, I think).
Try talking to the priest, and close the dialog without choosing to complete the remaining ones, then reinitiate conversation again to complete each quest individually (through dialog) and see if the dialog session opens up. I believe this can be done.
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:07 am
by Suicide Girl
Thank you for the advice. I've tried just about everything - reloading to an earlier save, reinitiating conversation with Hlam to report each trial separately, leaving the temple in between dialogues, even leaving for another module and returning between reports, and I still can't get Khelgar to close the quest. Argh! I have no idea what else to try.
Oh well. I'll give it another go tomorrow; maybe I could try finishing a sidequest or two in between reports. Or waving a dead chicken at the empty beer kegs in Duncan's basement.
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 11:45 am
by shift244
Frankly, I'm not sure if it might not be due to insufficient Influence with him. I've been able to get him to become a Monk regardless if I completed all 3 quests in one go, or seperately, only so I get all the missed out xp (I do believe it's a bug) otherwise.
Rereading your 1st post, I do believe you are right. I seem to recall dialog options to prove to him that there is more than fighting than punching people in the face. Unfortunately, I cannot be sure if this memory serves me correctly; nor had I noticed the Influence score I had with him at the time. It should be more than decent though, since I had him along with me ALL time and did things pretty much his way when I was successful with the class change.
I suggest try increasing your Influence with him. If you're worried about losing Influence with other guys, simply gather like minded people and you should be able to avoid losing Influence. 9 seems pretty low, considering I remember getting a whopping 10 at one go for someone... unless that whack alone maxed out the Influence range.
Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 12:28 pm
by Mz_Trixter
I'm sure this quest is 'influence' based quest, bcuz when initiating a convo with him about his past or him personally that (influence: success) or (influence: failure) appears in the cutscene screen next to the dialogue options. Otherwise, getting him to turn w/o much influence w/ Khelgar to me would be entirely up to chance.
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 5:26 am
by Suicide Girl
The Answer
You're right - the problem lies in insufficient influence with Khelgar. At 10 or more, the dialogue with Hlam about Khelgar going monk results in a [success].
Time to score some influence!
Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:07 pm
by Oquin & Terian
I have always kept him as a fighter because then he can wield the Silver Sword Of Gith because my character is a sorcerer. If you give it to him it gives him a str,dex,con,int,wis and cha boost. My current Str for Khelgar is 29 so its worth keeping him as a fighter!