Cleric > Wizard/Sorc in NWN2?
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:44 pm
Hey guys,
is it just my impression, or are clerics in NWN2 really that strong? Don't get me wrong, cleric's have never been particularly weak in any D&D edition. I always felt them to be quite well-balanced. In NWN2 though, they seem to be even more powerful than wizards or sorcs. Let's just compare some of the most important aspects, in my opinion at least.
First of all, clerics roll d6 instead of d4 for their hitpoints. Furthermore, they can wear heavy armor, use shields, and have a bigger weapon selection. Clerics also have a higher BAB I believe, and get more attacks per round earlier. This makes the cleric very well capable of going for some melee action, whereas the wizard is basically limited to his spells. Maybe some ranged attacking with a bow or crossbow.
Let's take a look at the spell pool now. Normally this is supposed to be the point, where the wizards makes up for his fragility in melee combat. Especially in terms of offensive spells, etc. However, I honestly do feel that the cleric spell pool is at least as good, if not even better. Cleric and Wizard spells are no longer something you can't compare anymore, like it was back AD&D 2nd edition for example.
So anyway, let's take a closer look. Clerics get a lot of excellent buffs/debuffs, damage spells, healing spells, crowd control, etc. As if that wouldn't be enough, they even get the luxury of spontaneous conversion. You don't even have to memorize a single(!) healing spell.
What does the wizard get? Well, he gets buffs/debuffs, too. But they're not any better than those of the cleric. The damage spells? Nope, sorry. The cleric damage spells are even BETTER than the wizard damage spells. Sure, a cleric has no Horrid Wilting or some such. But who needs Horrid Wilting, when he has Firestorm??
Here are some other examples of incredibly powerful cleric damage/combat spells.
Harm: single target, 150dmg from lvl 15 on. 'nuff said. Does the wizard have any lvl 6 spell that can even begin to compare to this? I don't think so.
Destruction: Well, like Finger of Death, just better. Instead of taking 3D6 points of dmg on a failed save, the target takes 10D6 points of dmg. Very nice.
I actually feel a bit cheated as a player who loves arcane spellcasting. It seems to me that the cleric is plate-wearing, melee-fighting, healing, buffing uber-caster, while the wizard is nothing but a simple caster. Still useful, and still powerful, but nothing in comparison to the cleric. They even stripped us off our beloved Timestop!
What's your opinion on this? Are there any important aspects that I missed? Discuss!
So long,
Note: Please do not drift into multi-classing in this thread.
is it just my impression, or are clerics in NWN2 really that strong? Don't get me wrong, cleric's have never been particularly weak in any D&D edition. I always felt them to be quite well-balanced. In NWN2 though, they seem to be even more powerful than wizards or sorcs. Let's just compare some of the most important aspects, in my opinion at least.
First of all, clerics roll d6 instead of d4 for their hitpoints. Furthermore, they can wear heavy armor, use shields, and have a bigger weapon selection. Clerics also have a higher BAB I believe, and get more attacks per round earlier. This makes the cleric very well capable of going for some melee action, whereas the wizard is basically limited to his spells. Maybe some ranged attacking with a bow or crossbow.
Let's take a look at the spell pool now. Normally this is supposed to be the point, where the wizards makes up for his fragility in melee combat. Especially in terms of offensive spells, etc. However, I honestly do feel that the cleric spell pool is at least as good, if not even better. Cleric and Wizard spells are no longer something you can't compare anymore, like it was back AD&D 2nd edition for example.
So anyway, let's take a closer look. Clerics get a lot of excellent buffs/debuffs, damage spells, healing spells, crowd control, etc. As if that wouldn't be enough, they even get the luxury of spontaneous conversion. You don't even have to memorize a single(!) healing spell.
What does the wizard get? Well, he gets buffs/debuffs, too. But they're not any better than those of the cleric. The damage spells? Nope, sorry. The cleric damage spells are even BETTER than the wizard damage spells. Sure, a cleric has no Horrid Wilting or some such. But who needs Horrid Wilting, when he has Firestorm??
Here are some other examples of incredibly powerful cleric damage/combat spells.
Harm: single target, 150dmg from lvl 15 on. 'nuff said. Does the wizard have any lvl 6 spell that can even begin to compare to this? I don't think so.
Destruction: Well, like Finger of Death, just better. Instead of taking 3D6 points of dmg on a failed save, the target takes 10D6 points of dmg. Very nice.
I actually feel a bit cheated as a player who loves arcane spellcasting. It seems to me that the cleric is plate-wearing, melee-fighting, healing, buffing uber-caster, while the wizard is nothing but a simple caster. Still useful, and still powerful, but nothing in comparison to the cleric. They even stripped us off our beloved Timestop!
What's your opinion on this? Are there any important aspects that I missed? Discuss!
So long,
Note: Please do not drift into multi-classing in this thread.