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Sith Lord equipment

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:43 pm
by Darth Cruor
Wich is the best armor for a consul, sith lord?
Including clothes, shield, belt, etc.

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:07 am
by DarthMalevolent
That's difficult to say, as it entirely depends on what you're trying to emphasize.

I personally like the Ossus Keeper Robe obtained on Onderon, Improved Automation Gloves, Circlet of Saresh (light side) or Force Focusing Visor (dark side), Aratech Echo Belt and either the Mental Boost or Physical Boost System. If you're going for total force powers, substitute the Jal Shey Meditation Gloves for the Improved Automation Gloves.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 12:45 pm
by Alcina
Assuming you've built your character in the conventional Conular/Lord way, with a lot of CHA and WIS and very little STR or DEX, I wouldn't worry about things like bonuses to hitting and defence as by the middle of the game you'll be too pun y to hit anything anyway! Nor would I worry too much about skill-boosting items, unless getting XP from doors and mines was a priority to you. Skills let you make stuff, but the vast majority of that stuff increases your ability to hit things or allows you to upgrade armour; neither is of concern to you.

Obviously, you want to wear something that doesn't interfere with the use of Force Powers, since as a Lord you'll be mostly relying on the damaging ones like Lightning which aren't usable with armour. I'd go for the Jal Shey armour myslef, usually with a biores inlay. I don't like to wear brown 'Jedi' robes when I'm playing Sith, it offends my sense of canon, so I avoid the Ossus Keeper robes.

My lightsaber I construct as a boosting device, rather than a hitting-people device. I install a deflecting emitter and ossus duelling lens and take deflection as a power so that blaster bolts don't hit me too much; I install the 'MyName' crystal for the CHA boost and in the other slot I put a Ruusan crystal (+1 each WIS and CHA)...or a Kaiburr crystal if I'm lucky enough to find one (about 1 game in 20)

I usually take a high level of CON so I can use a good implant which boosts CHA and WIS, usually a mental Boost D package, I wear the best WIS boosting headgear going. There aren't any belts which really help, so I'd go with an Immunity/Immortality to reduce damage when people do manage to hit me before I Lightning them into oblivion. Jal Shey gloves, obviously.

With this lot and a WIS of base 18, You should be able to kill most non-bosses in a singel Force Attack towards the end of the game.

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:06 pm
by Darth Cruor
WOW, that's really cool. I will try something of that. Thanks!