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Solo: Thief/Mage vs Conjurer Specialist
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 12:34 pm
by Nuru
I haven't played BG2 since its release, same with ToB, but lately I've felt like running through it again solo to see how all these fixes and tweaks go. To that end I'm debating one of two options with some reasoning for each and I'm hoping that people with more experience through SoA/ToB can chime in. I'm also debating the tactics mod, but since I haven't played in so long perhaps it's a bad idea.
BG2 Fixpack
BG2 Tweak pack (No changes to traps, or such)
Stat Spread:
Str: 10
Dex: 18
Con: whatever
Int: 18
Wis: 18
Cha: 10
Dex 18 is a priority for AC and also for Meteor tossing (I never realized how good Melf's was when I played the game back when).
Conjurer Specialist:
I chose Conjurer because of all the opposition schools it seemed like Diviner was the weakest. Lacking True Sight might be a problem, but I'm sort of assuming I can find an item to cast it. Traps are my main concern due to the small amount of hit points I have, but while playing around I noticed I can use Mirror Image to absorb traps. If that's always the case I can just keep Mirror Image up while wandering around and be mostly safe perhaps?
Thief (Not sure what kit) / Mage:
I have two main reasons for wanting to mix a Thief in (my intention would be to Dual Class right at the start so 7/x):
1) I've been reading around and it seems like there are a *lot* of Pickpocketing opportunities, and I may be able to get Robe of Vecna along with a lot of gold right at the start in the Promenade.
2) Detecting traps seems like it would be useful, but I'm not sure if I can get it high enough to detect traps later on. I doubt my lockpicking would be very good, so I'd still need Knock.
Basically, I guess it comes down to whether Pickpocket/Detect Traps are worth losing an extra spell per level. There are probably some other things I'm not factoring in as well.
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 1:13 pm
by Crenshinibon
I'd suggest an Assassin/Mage, but not dualed at the very start. That wouldn't help at all as the Assassin gets much better with levels, but backstabing is a powerful tool, not to mention that Melf's Minute Meteors CAN be affected by poison.
As for the Conjurer, I think it's probably the best Specialist Mage subtype, as far as restrictions go, otherwise I'd probably make a gnome Illusionist/X, but that's beside the point.
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 2:13 pm
by Nuru
Well in regards to the thief levels my primary goals were simply to be able to pickpocket and detect traps. The question is whether those two things make it a worthwhile goal, though with the xp cap removed I don't seem to really lose anything by dual classing at a very early level. Though poison meteors are a bit appealing.
Do solo Mages even spend much money? Is Pick Pocket worth much more than some easy gold? Can I shrug off most traps? I suppose these are my real questions.
Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 7:07 pm
by Crenshinibon
As a buffed mage traps are almost harmless. Still, detect traps is nice at the start of the game, not to mention that disarming them grants you experience.
Solo mages would spend less than 50k gold.
Don't get pickpocket to steal items from NPCs, get it to steal items from stores, which is a HUGE profit and quite useful.
Even with the XP cap removed, you lose the benefits you would have gained from your thief type class.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:07 am
by Saros
Various mage/thief combinations which are "the best". Drawbacks and Bonuses:
Note: IMHO the best specialist mage is the Invoker. He lacks only one valuable spell, Greater Malinson, and can very well go without it. But he has True Sight...Yet, if you want to dual your Conjurer to a Thief later, and you have ToB installed, true sight won't be a problem. And even in SoA - with removed XP cap you will have Detect Invisibility at 100% which will work almost in the same way as TS most of the cases.
Note: If you start with a thief and dual to a Mage later - leave as many different spell scrolls in reach for when you dual - for spells and for xp. If you start with a Mage and dual to a Thief - leave as many traps&locks untouched as you can for later - again, for xp. And collect all of the helpful items for the second class and store them in the same convenient location - a chest somewhere safe and reachable.
Assassin(raise to lvl 21 or higher-up to 39)-> Mage(40):
Bonuses: Backstab Multiplier *7, poisoned MMM and(in ToB) Energy Blades.
Disadvantage: Less spells than a specialist Mage
Swashbuckler(again raise to high lvl)-> Mage
Good weapon bonuses, yet if you wanna do this - instead go for a Kensai->Mage. Far better choice.
Bounty Hunter(21 or higher)-> Mage
Frankly, I don't think that this is a good combination since a Mage can anyway cast Maze. Even if you dual at a lower lvl(15 is optimal) for the Dmg+slow effect of your current special trap - still, not worth it. A mage is anyway a devastator with ranged spells, these traps will do you not much good.
Disadvantages in all these classes: fewer spells than a Specialist Mage
Invoker(lvl 22 or higher, I think 22 is optimal) -> Thief
Bonuses: More spells than a vanilla Mage, and good thieving skills. Also, Thief levels up fast, so it will be soon when you regain your Wizard lvls.
Disadvantage: No greater malinson or other enchantment spells(Domination, Chaos, etc.)
Conjurer(lvl 22)-> Thief
Bonuses: More spells than a vanilla Mage, again good thief skills.
Disadvantage: lack of True Sight, Oracle, and more importantly - Wizard Eye or Farsight. These all are some of the most important spells in the game.
Gnome Illusionist/Thief multiclass
Bonuses: More spells than a vanilla mage, and has the benefit of multiclassing - can use both of his classes' skills at all times.
Disadvantages: A gnome may not be everyone's favourite character, and more importantly - no Necromancy spells. No Skull Trap, no Spirit Armor, no Death Spell, no Animate Dead, no Abi-Dalzim's Horrid I need to continue???
Conclusion: I'd go for an Invoker->Thief or for Assassin->Mage. Most probably for the first one.
P.S. Nuru, you don't *need* to dual at a low level.
First of all, a Mage can bash through any chest or door using Knock spell, and can evade any trap's damage or effect by proper buffing. For instance, Maze traps can be negated by using Spell Immunity: Conjuration, while Flesh to stone traps can be resisted by the simple spell 1lvl Protection from Petrification. Domination, Finger of Death and(again) Flesh to stone traps can be resisted by using Spell Turning/Deflection/Trap. There is a protection spell for each of the elemental traps you may find, not to mention that with Mirror Image you can evade any damage trap most of the time. Stoneskin and Mirror Image protect vs all physical damage traps - poison darts/arrows, or spears.
The dualling to a thief is more about xp and gold, so I understand. Well, xp is never a problem for a solo character. For instance, try lowering your reputation to 3 or less, and Aminsh guards will start appearing. Forever. Until you raise your reputation in a temple(donations). The guards provide with xp(30000 each group), gold(each group has 5 full plates and other items), and most importanlty for a mage - some of those so-rare to find scrolls like Spell Trigger, Project Image, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Mordenkainen's Sword, and even - Spell Trap. There is your money&xp&scroll problem solved. BTW, these groups are ridiculously easy to kill with a mage of 11 or 12 lvl. But there are enough quests in order to reach lvl 30 until end of SoA with a Mage.
I'd suggest dualling to a fighter or cleric with a mage, since the thief doesn't provide that much bonuses(provided, look above, that a Mage has no problem whatsoever with traps, locks and gold and xp)
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:34 am
by kmonster
Starting as conjurer also has the advantage that you get better rolls at creation (since you get high con for granted) and can choose spells at the start.
Starting as thief will also add extra HP and the ability to use more weapons.
Because of the XP you get for traps and locks starting as thief will let you reach high mage levels faster.
Although even 6 thief levels yield enough skill points for perfect 100 lockpicking and trapfinding I wouldn't dual right at the start. You'll have to do the starting dungeon as low level mage with hardly any spells available.
I'd rather dual after level 10 or 11. Especially if you used pickpocketing for getting money or scrolls before the dualing period the XP for scribing scrolls will make the mage gain levels very fast.
If you start as thief I recommend taking a kit, if you can live without backstab multiplier 10 swashbuckler levels yield +3 AC, +2 to hit and damage and weapon specialization. If you like setting traps take 11 bounty hunter levels, if you want to throw poisoned meteors start as assassin.
The game will be easier with a thief/mage, but it shouldn't be too difficult soloing a conjurer either. Choose what you like.
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:38 am
by Celacena
Saros wrote:
I'd suggest dualling to a fighter or cleric with a mage, since the thief doesn't provide that much bonuses(provided, look above, that a Mage has no problem whatsoever with traps, locks and gold and xp)
you have forgotten the HLAs of a thief - Use any item - so the mage gets to use anything they want, including weapons that confer immunity to level drain AND lovely, lovely, Spike traps. when you get to fight dragons and end bosses, a few clusters of spike traps can hit with enough wham! to prevent the bad guy laughing at you as he casts 'heal'. say 60 damage x 4 traps - 240 damage in one go...
and then there are lesser abilities such as back-stabbing...
my present PC is a mage/thief - specialising in pick pocketing and hiding - later on I'll use more points in traps i think I start getting HLAs in both categories as soon as I get them.
obviously stealing the deck of many things is on my agenda - thank you Throne!
Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2007 10:42 am
by Saros
I think we're discussing SoA only here. If we include HLAs in this discussion, things look quite different indeed.
BtW, since when hitpoints matter to an arcane caster anyway? If you start taking damage, there's obviously something wrong with your playing style.