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BD - Is it possible to visit battlefields/merchants from earlier chapters?
Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 2:21 am
by annatar2
I'm in chapter 1 and have only managed to unlock the first dungeon in the battlefields. What happens if I haven't done all the quests/dungeons before starting on chapter 2? Will they be lost to me, or will the first battelfield still be available "behind" the one for chapter 2? What about the merchants/trainers? If I can't afford all the training I want until I reach chapter 2, will they still be available in next chapter? Will later battlefields have different merchants or the same ones as in chapter 1?
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:03 pm
by friarted
Teleporting back to Act I after leaving...?
In BD, any way to teleport back to the Citadel or Samuel's after leaving? According to the discussion at larian's linked below (after I attempted here), there isn't. I've tried checking the manual but misunderstood & thought the teleport stones I got from the Imp Historian would take me back to the first T-stone in the Citadel so I left behind all sorts of loot, thinking I could get back. Yipes! Help please!
Teleport Stones in Samuel's..?
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 3:35 pm
by fable
Per request, since two threads were virtually identical, I've combined them.
As for the questions, the first battlefield is gone when you move to the next chapter--and so is everything you've left on the ground during it. So before you leave a chapter, be sure you pick up all your goods.