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Fourth proton core doesn't work.

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2007 4:45 pm
by Killer360

I'm on the Ravager and trying to place the fourth proton core... I already got it from the missile bay.

But there is a problem... I have no idea how to place it. I walk into the room and nothing happens. Am I missing something?


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:48 am
by Sith Dog
This is a glitch, just reload and walk into the room again. See if that works.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:22 am
by Alcina
Are you absolutely 110 per cent sure you are going to the right proton-core placing site. It sounds obvious, but I've often found myslef wandering frustratedly round the ship because I've misremembered which of the 4 sites I haven't yet set a core in. Try revisiting each one of the 4 sites, in case either you or the bug-ridden game has made a mistake about which one is still available.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:52 am
by Killer360

Thanks for your replies. I've re-loaded from when I just picked up the fourth proton core from the missile bay, and I've re-loaded from before I got the fourth proton core. Still doesn't work.

As it says in the game guide: 9 - Place Proton Core

After you've retrieved the replacement proton core at #6 (if this is your fourth), place it here and then continue to the exit at #10.

I'm sure I'm at the correct room. No short video pops up and nobody says anything. Not even a journal entry added. Help? :)

Could it be possible that this is happening because I fought Darth Nihilus before I placed the fourth one?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:02 am
by Alcina
Killer360 wrote: As it says in the game guide: 9 - Place Proton Core

After you've retrieved the replacement proton core at #6 (if this is your fourth), place it here and then continue to the exit at #10.

I'm sure I'm at the correct room. No short video pops up and nobody says anything. Not even a journal entry added. Help? :)

Could it be possible that this is happening because I fought Darth Nihilus before I placed the fourth one?
The thing is, there isn't a specific 'correct room' for the 4th core. Which room you need depends on what you did previously. There are 4 rooms to put the cores in and you can enter them in any order. Once you've placed a core in a particular location, you obviously can't do it again, and so reentering the room produces no dialogue and no journal update. The 'correct' room for the 4th core is which ever one you haven't done yet, rather thanh the one in your walkthrough.

Killing Nihilus first has never been a problem for me, although the game is so bug-ridden that anything is possible. Have you tried reloading a game from before you killed him?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:07 am
by Killer360
Thanks you guys. You've been a huge help. :)

I forgot about one room.