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Armor Help (Maybe a spoiler, who knows)

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2007 10:13 pm
by Darth Bunny
Remember that one sith govoner with the silver armor in Kotor 1? He carried a double blade and you needed to get the Taris launch codes off of him. Anyways I have heard from people that you can get that armor in Kotor 2, but can't seem to find it anywhere.

I have played through the game a few times, and can't seem to find it. I loved the look of that armour, and would appreciate any help I could be given.

I have also looked around for that Reinforced Fiber Amour, and can't find it either.

Your's Truely,

Darth Bunny :D

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:52 pm
by Alcina
Almost everything (and all actual armour AFAIK) you get in KOTOR2 is randomised and different each game. So there's no one place you can get that particular armour. Plus which, not many of the armours in KOTOR2 are identical to the ones in KOTOR1. There are undoubdtedly similar ones, though...

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 9:21 pm
by Lightning Rod
You could try the cheats to look for an armor that looks good. Then save your game when you get to a merchant for the FIRST encounter. The first time you speak with a merchant, their inventory is randomly generated partially. If you keep reloading you can get a combination of items which you are interested in. I noticed KOTOR II didn't have any high end merchants like KOTOR I had. :(