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soem help needed
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 12:10 pm
by v1k1ng
hey, i am new here. i am always on gamebanshee but now i decided to register
. i need some help.
i didnt play kotor2 a long time and i am in need of some assistance. i read some guides here and there, and came to some interesting things. well, i will play as sentinel --> watchman. never played it like that so i give it a try. LS of course. i know that i gain +3 CON as watchman if i am full LS oriented, but do i gain also the +3 CON from pure LS sentinel? technically this means that i would get +6 CON and thats more than satisfying. another thing that bothers me a little bit is the following. i dont remember quiet good, but i know that i can get +1 WIS during game if i manage to repair T3-M4 3 times or so. i also read in a guide that i can get also +1 WIS from Atton?! is that true? i never gained it because Atton annoyed me and i didnt play with him so meh...
so please help me and enlighten in those 2 Qs. and please answer only if u know the answer, no assumptions please. its important for my character creation, and i dont want to play again before i dont know about that things. thnx in advance.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:01 pm
by v1k1ng
hurry dudes
. i want to play.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 2:52 pm
by Darth Bunny
v1k1ng wrote:hey, i am new here. i am always on gamebanshee but now i decided to register
. i need some help.
i didnt play kotor2 a long time and i am in need of some assistance. i read some guides here and there, and came to some interesting things. well, i will play as sentinel --> watchman. never played it like that so i give it a try. LS of course. i know that i gain +3 CON as watchman if i am full LS oriented, but do i gain also the +3 CON from pure LS sentinel? technically this means that i would get +6 CON and thats more than satisfying. another thing that bothers me a little bit is the following. i dont remember quiet good, but i know that i can get +1 WIS during game if i manage to repair T3-M4 3 times or so. i also read in a guide that i can get also +1 WIS from Atton?! is that true? i never gained it because Atton annoyed me and i didnt play with him so meh...
so please help me and enlighten in those 2 Qs. and please answer only if u know the answer, no assumptions please. its important for my character creation, and i dont want to play again before i dont know about that things. thnx in advance.
Well...... I dunno. I'm just like you. I was on here quite a few times and decided to register. If you want to gain with atton, kill a few people, visit Nar Shadaa and turn him Jedi. Then go all lightside and stuff.
Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:01 pm
by fable
v1k1ng wrote:*bumps*
hurry dudes
. i want to play.
Please don't bump. It's net rude, and not allowed on GameBanshee. If no one answers you, it's because nobody who has checked yet has the answer.
No response is necessary.
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:12 am
by v1k1ng
well, +1 WIS from atton is true. i checked it. but what about the +6 CON increase from sentinel and watchamn LS mastery? its hard for me to believe that but... mebbe its really true! but i think that its only +3 CON.
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:06 am
by Lemmus
Hmm, it's really too bad that this site doesn't have walkthroughs and strategy guides for games, that would make finding answers to questions so much easier and faster. (
Well, since there's obviously no good information in these forums, as you'd never have asked if you hadn't already searched thoroughly, I guess we'll have to bemoan the lack of good resources. It's just such an unpopular game that no one bothers to actually write guides for it.
No point in checking GameFAQs, I'm sure none of the 20 FAQs and guides have anything useful (
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Info - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Information - Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords Release Date).
Oh, well, I guess we just have to do this the hard way, and see if anyone on the forums knows the answer. Good news: someone does. Bad news: that someone is me, and you have to put up with sarcasm if you want to find out what it is.
The +3 CON bonus that you refer to is not a class bonus, it's an alignment bonus. You get a bonus if you are fully aligned with either the light or the dark. The form that bonus takes it dependant on your class. These bonuses do stack, so yes, you will get a +6 CON bonus as a pure LS Sentinel/ Watchmen, although this fact won't show up on your character sheet.
As to other stats, I'll quote from DSimpson's guide :
Throughout the course of the game, there are opportunities to get free increases to your Attributes:
+1 WIS - T3's final upgrade
+1 CON, +1 WIS - Hanharr's upgrades
+2 STR, +1 CON - Kreia's post-Hanharr upgrades
No mention of anything from Atton.
It's actually been years since I've played KotOR II, I got all of this for you with about 10 minutes spent browsing the GameBanshee and GameFAQs sites. If you follow the links above, I'm sure you'll find all sorts of useful information to help plan your character. If not, I'm sure we'll be hearing from you really soon.
(By the way, I do recognise that you're not a native English speaker, and I apologise if you've taken offence to this. But really, this game is over 2 years old and is based on one of the most popular franchises in the world. There are so many resources available for it that it's hardly necessary to ask this question once, rather than the 3 times you've asked in this thread. I do hope you read some of the FAQs I listed above, their author's make them freely available for your benefit.)
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:59 am
by DarthMalevolent
I'm not sure, but I believe you're asking if you retain your LS Mastery bonus when you transition from Sentinel to Watchman - if that's what you're asking, then the answer is yes.
Unless of course you do something DS and lose your Mastery bonus. I do this a lot as there are frequently times that it's just too darned much fun to do stuff that's technically "dark side"... f'r instance:
Spoiler: On Dantooine when the mercenary tries to pick a fight with you, it's just waaaay too much fun to mind-control him, take his weapon, take his money and command him to never talk to you again. :laugh:
Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:40 am
by v1k1ng
hey lemmus, thnx for that links, i read many guides the last week about kotor2, also those linked ones you gave me. yeahh its hard to find good info about kotor2, its obviusly unpopular as you said (well, the 1st one is million times better). thats the only thing i wanted to know and i will try to believe that i get +6 CON and see what happens during game.
yes, i am a non-native english speaker, and i take no offense. why should i
. but i think my english is good enough, except the fact that i all write in small letters hehe.
my Q has been answered and this can be closed. thnx.
Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 2:50 pm
by Alcina
I'm not so sure it's ready to be closed.
I've never managed to get the +1 WIS bonus from Atton, and would really like to know how you did it. I've jedified him a lot as DS and a couple times as LS, and never got it. What's the secret?
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 11:28 am
by v1k1ng
i didnt manage it yet. my friend told me that u have to talk with him about reading his thoughts. but i think this is only possible if u play as a female character (as i always do). atton is the character which will flirt with u, he falls in love. after some hours of playing u will talk with him more and more and then comes this conversation about reading his thoughts. kreia is also involved in this part. she says that she cant read his thoughts because he play pazaak in his head. he always does it because that way he distracts himself from other thoughts that he doesnt want, like the love he feels towards u (not that he dont want love, but he wants to stay focused on the mission). and when atton plays pazaak in his head, then he becomes a death machine xD. thats all what i know (and i even wonder how i remember all these stuff because i played this more than a year ago). when i played for the first time i had all that conversation but i didnt gain +1 WIS so now i try it again because my friend told me its possible. ill see.