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Favorite Class Builds

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:18 pm
by bushwhacker2k
hey guys, I'm bored and I just wanna no what is your favorite class build?

be sure to post each class and how many levels of each, and important spells/feats if they are a necessity.

To start off, I liked the Wizard 10/Red Wizard 10/Arcane Scholar 10, it friggin ruled :P

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:15 pm
by bushwhacker2k
:*( people sure aren't chatty...

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:29 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
bushwhacker2k wrote::*( people sure aren't chatty...
Heh, if you wan't to chat about absolutely anything, come visit our [url=""]SYM forum.[/url] :D

Anyway, in response to your question, I fell in love with my Druid 15/Warpriest 10/ Fighter 5. I think it is one of the best tankers I've ever built. Capable of healing himself too. :p

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2007 8:34 pm
by Claudius
I'm not up to MoTB yet sorry but I got a decent bard for the OC. A little weak melee but I still notice some damage being done especially considering I have all the curse songs... I plan on tweaking a little perhaps and trying again.

Dread General (Bard 16/Fighter 1/Blackguard 3)
Race: Human
Alignment: Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil
OC 1-20


-Good Singer: level 16 Bard with Curse Song, Lingering Song, and Extra Music (20 uses of music)
-Bard Spells: buffs and utility. Debuffs aided by Aura of Despair, High CHA, Practiced/Prodigal Spellcaster.
-Some Melee Ability: 4 attacks, Battle Caster, Divine Might (8 uses), UMD
-Good Saves
-Good skillset including things you want in OC (conversation skills and some skills to play with ie Taunt etc)

-Not a melee monster just a little better than a straight bard
-You tell me :) ie doesn't have the cool attributes of some other builds

Base Attributes
STR 16
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 15 (20)

Final Level Distribution
Bard 16
Fighter 1
Blackgaurd 3

Attribute Bonuses
4, 8, 12, 16, 20 increase CHA

Leveling Guide and Feat Distribution
Level 1: Bard 1: Natural Leader, Power Attack, Spellcasting Prodigy
Level 2: Fighter 1: Cleave, {Tower Shield}
Level 3: Bard 2: Battle Caster
Level 4: Bard 3
Level 5: Bard 4
Level 6: Bard 5: Curse Song
Level 7: Bard 6
Level 8: Bard 7
Level 9: Blackguard 1: Practiced Spellcaster, {Use Poison}
Level 10: Bard 8
Level 11: Blackguard 2: {Smite Good}, {Dark Blessing}, {Bull's Strength}
Level 12: Blackguard 3: Divine Might, Turn Undead, Create Undead, Aura of Despair
Level 13: Bard 9
Level 14: Bard 10
Level 15: Bard 11: Extra Music
Level 16: Bard 12
Level 17: Bard 13
Level 18: Bard 14: Lingering Song
Level 19: Bard 15
Level 20: Bard 16

Final Attributes
STR 16
DEX 10
CON 14
INT 14
CHA 20

BAB 16

AB (mundane weapon x?): -19,14,9,4
Damage(mundane weapon x?): 3 + weapon type

*for +5 weapon add 5 to AB and 5 to damage
*weapon could have elemental damage etc
*divine might add +5 to damage
*Bull's strength add 2 to AB and damage
*in the OC you probably give +8 strength items etc to focused melee builds but there are possibilities of more damage from gear


17 in Chainmail
23 (no buffs, mithral fullplate, mithral heavy shield)
51 (+8 to dexterity, inspire defense, haste, song of heroism, +5 breastplate, +5 amulet of natural armor, +5 ring of protection, +5 dodge boots)
60 (+8 to dexterity, inspire defense, haste, song of heroism, +5 mithral heavy shield, +5 mithral fullplate, +5 amulet of natural armor, +5 ring of protection, +5 dodge boots)

Final Saves
Fortitude 16
Reflex 15
Will 14

Hitpoints: 176

Skillpoints 191

Bluff (Bl) 23 (28)
Concentration (Co) 23 (25)
Diplomacy (Di) 23 (28)
Hide (Hi) 5 (5)
Lore (Lo) 8 (26)
Perform (Pe) 23 (28)
Spellcracft (Sp) 20 (22)

For MoTB first I have to figure out how I tweak the basic build but if I went with this one I would go RDD2F1Bard7 as epic levels and take: chorus of heroism, Great Strength 1 and 2 (1 a fighter bonus), Song of Requiem, Hymnn of Requiem, Epic Divine Might, Epic Spell: Plague of Fowl? or Summon Devil

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:38 am
by megainvj
i used my sorcerer until lvl 20 (OC) and raised 10 lvls of red dragon diciple at MoTb.... it came up pretty good :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:53 am
by Ripuanewhole
Bard 4, Paladin 6, RDD 10, DD 10. Final attributes: STR 28, Dex 14, Con 22(+1 from epic feat), Wis 10, Int 12, Cha 14. High BAB, High AC, High Hitpoints, High Saves, Tons of Immunities, DR 15/- (thanks to epic feats), decent skills, and a few useful spells. Deadly for spell hurlers and tanks alike. The anoying parts are changing Allignment periodically to make it work, and being a Dwarf. Ps... Paladin level 6 comes on level 30 in order to avoid experiance penalties. If any one can come up with a more powerful build I'd love to try it.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:18 am
by v1k1ng
pure bard build

well, here is a pure bard build...

the best race for a bard is aasimar because of the +2 to CHA and WIS. its great for CHA, because you can boost it right away to 16 at the beginning, and WIS can be left at 10 so you dont have the negative modifier (you dont need any more, its not important for a bard because his will saves increase enough good during gameplay). those points from WIS can be spent in better stats.
human is the second best choice (1 extra feat at CHAR creation + 1 extra skill point every lvl). if you dont like the +1 lvl adjustment from aasimar, human is the best choice, but that adjustment isnt really a big deal.

Base attributes (DEX based bard)(aasimar):
STR 10 --> more than enough because you are a supportive class and a DEX based bard
DEX 16 --> +4 during gameplay (final score 20).
CON 12 --> you dont need anymore because you are a supportive class.
INT 16 --> very good if you like to be a skillfull player. bards always relied on their skills and that made them very versatile.
WIS 10 --> more than enough (described above)
CHA 16 --> dont put nay points here during level ups. 16 is enough and you will have items to raise this during gameplay. it allows you to cast lvl 6 spells, an raising it will only increase the potency of your spells, nothing more and thats the reason why items are enough to raise it. dont dare to put points in here :P .

thats ideal. STR should be low because its a DEX based bard, and anyways, you are not a powerhorse. your strenght are your abbilites, and other will do the damage for you. you will have 1 point left to spent at the end of the game and where you put it i dont care much. you will see where you need it (CON is good).

Appraise --> take this or sleight of hand
Bluff --> take this or diplomacy
Concentration--> amust have skill
Craft Alchemy --> other will do that for you
Craft Armor --> other will do that for you
Craft Trap --> other will do that for you
Craft Weapon --> other will do that for you
Some people might be worried about the Construct companion here because you need high crafting skills to upgrade him. but you dont need those skills anyway because during the game you will find good itmes that will increase this skills, and with buffs like fox´s cunning you can increase your INT further more to increase those skills by 2.

Diplomacy --> take this or bluff
Hide --> good if you want to sneak.
Listen--> good skill.
Lore --> very good skill
Move Silently --> good if you want to sneak.
Parry --> useless skill
Perform -> your most important skill.
Spellcraft --> very good skill.
Taunt --> useless skill.
Tumble --> should be taken, its a lifesaver. i like that very much.
Use Magic Device --> a must have skill. only 3 classes can have this skill, so make use of it.

What skills you will take will be your deal, but the must have and very good skills must be taken to be a good bard.

Luck of heroes, curse song, blind fight, lingering song, thougness are must have skills. (if you play MotB,good feats are chorus of heroism, sng of requiem, hymn of requiem, epic toughness, epic resillience and great DEX (if you have nothing else to take)). Epic prowess is also good.

DEX based feats: two weapon fighting and the follow ups, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot, Improved Rapid Shot --> if you focus on archery and then you can take One Shot which is a superb abbility.

Other notable feats: weapon focus (if you like to), improve critical (but if you have a wizard with you that can cast keen edge, than this is useless), skill focus on perform (if ou want to sing better), extended spell (only good metamagic feat).

DONT TAKE THIS FEAT: its extra music and its useless because you can sing your songs enough time per day and this is a crap feat but people like to take it.

and this is the end. i wanted to put in spells but i dont have the patience anymore to write. so take what you think will serve you best.

edit: sorry for grammar mistakes.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:03 pm
by Zalmoxis

lvl 19 fighter. lvl 11 Rogue.
awesome combination.
2 weapon fighting with greatswords.
a super high dex for greater two weapon fighting. (didn't quite make it it to perfect 2 weapon fighting)
a very high intelligence stat. Excellent rogue and excellent at all social interactions.
5d6 sneak attack damage. with crippling strike and epic Precision so that you can deal sneak attack damage to immune creatures.
8 attacks per round starting at 37 to hit.
had an armour class of 45. nothing could hit me.

and he was evil tiefling.. so i got be nasty. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 8:13 am
by Krwawy Zarddin
I can't find feat that you talking about on our site. I mean there is no epic Precision :) in feats list. So what it gives what it needs and how it works?

And you (tiefling) can't use 2 greatswords even with Monkey Grip plus 5k6 sneak attack dmg don't work with this weapon.

First play then write instead of writing s***.

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:36 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
True, Epic Precision isn't on that list, but it does exist. Forgot what it actually does though. About Monkey Grip, shouldn't you be able to wield a greatsword with a tower shield if you have that feat? Then, shouldn't you also be able to dual wield greatswords?

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:46 pm
by Krwawy Zarddin
Oh... Tiefling... I was thinking of small races... but 2x greatswords aren't good if you want to do sneak atack dmg ;] because you won't do sneak atack ;] It's better to use 2x shortsword and make 5k6 more dmg with each one :)

What gives Epic Precision?

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:02 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Its an Epic feat. Not sure of the prereqs, but it is universal, so when you reach level 20 plus, you should be able to take it with any class.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:12 am
by Krwawy Zarddin
Hmmmmmm and what it gives because I don't know if I should put this feat in my plans for

WORLD DOMINATION: Monk(11)/Fighter(14)/Duelist(5)


for SAVING THE UNIVERSE: Ranger(21)/Fighter(8)/Barbarian(1)

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 6:48 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Check your manual, then you should be able to plan out a proper character. ;)

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2008 12:01 pm
by cadre_of_storm
megainvj wrote:i used my sorcerer until lvl 20 (OC) and raised 10 lvls of red dragon diciple at MoTb.... it came up pretty good :rolleyes:
which is pretty much what i intend to do