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which armour to use...

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 5:32 pm
by hoolio
hey, im going to include all types of armour in my skill set, but only one will be in major skills, and i cant decide which one, or maybe i should use two? help would be appreciated

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:08 pm
by joe05
Hoolio - well IMO, I would use Light Armor.
You get Dark Brotherhood Armor early + you can steal a full set of Glass Armor.

If you are playing on a PC, you can go Medium ... a mod turns Ebony into Medium Armor
Another mod gives you access to Daedric Armor.

Have not tried the heavier armor; yet.

As for the stock game, Glass Armor has a higher rating(AR) than Indoril.
Not sure what Royal Armor's AR is ... but you get that in Tribunal
To get Daedric, you have to kill an important/good person = unless someone knows where to find a full set :)

Not sure on enchantment value per armor.

I like a low weight/carry ratio = so I can move quickly
Plus, you can add Boots of Blinding Speed ... Cuirass of Savior's Hide.

Hope that helps.

Wait for the experts to chime in ... they know all the pro's and con's per armor type

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:44 pm
by Eric V
i like useing light armor cause i weighs less so i can carry more. or unarmored works better than that if want to carry more

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 2:18 pm
by Isillur Thorne
I almost always play light. Getting daedric is annoying and sometimes goes against the RP experience. Only real reason I see for going heavy is to get the enchant points for cooler enchantments. Armor rating difference between best light and best heavy is not proportional to how much easier it is to get the best light (glass).

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 5:58 pm
by bait_bludgeon
i would honestly go with heavy armor. now during your low levels from 1-30 youre gonna be slow, but nothing short of a rock. high ac is always good. plus, some of the best armours in the game are in the heavy armor category. go with heavy armor my friend, it may suck in the beginning, but youll tank yoursle ffor using it when youre around lvl 70. :eek: