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Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2001 11:22 am
by jimthegray
it's just you :)
honestly i love 3rd edition though i have real issues with how pool has butcherd some of them , not being able to choose your skills and feats takes a lot away from the game as well as taking out most of the good spells and several classes

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2001 3:10 pm
by ism
Personally, I like the 3e rules. They're much cleaner and easier to understand (postive AC, yay). The one thing that bothers me about PoR is how a lot of people are saying it caters to oldskool players, but it seems the developers have dumbed it down for a wider audience by removing skill/feat choosing. Not implementing the Bard, Wizard, and Druid classes is either another one of these dumbing down things or a development constraint, I can't tell.

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2001 6:43 pm
by jimthegray
I agree
Originally posted by ism:
<STRONG>Personally, I like the 3e rules. They're much cleaner and easier to understand (postive AC, yay). The one thing that bothers me about PoR is how a lot of people are saying it caters to oldskool players, but it seems the developers have dumbed it down for a wider audience by removing skill/feat choosing. Not implementing the Bard, Wizard, and Druid classes is either another one of these dumbing down things or a development constraint, I can't tell.</STRONG>

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2001 7:07 am
by speedball
I also like the new 3E rules. Combat takes a while to get used to, but once you play for a while, stuff like movement and Attacks of Opportunity becomes second nature.

What the developers implemented in PoR isn't really that representative of the P&P 3E rules, but at least gives them or other developers something to build off of for future 3E-based CRPGs.

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2001 10:54 am
by jimthegray
what really bothers me is the amazing 1/2 @ss feel the game has like after all of this thime they just could not be bothered to do it right

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2001 9:47 pm
by average joe
I'm very much looking to playing a CRPG under 3rd Edition rules. I just need to find one that actually gets them right. POR has butchered them. The feats of 3rd Edition are one of the best aspects, yet POR has limited them and chooses NPC feats automatically. Characters can't be customized at all...and that's what roleplaying is all about. So disappointing. I'm hoping Neverwinter Nights is much much more accurate, not to mention just plain better.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 5:33 am
by KaaZe
Hmm... I must admit, I really like the game. Sure its not BG3 or similar. But in all fairness, BG series is the Über rpg in my world. But PoR is nice and simpel for once. Although I cant understand why they made the combat turned based. Its really takes away what I think gives Computer RPG a edge over the PnP one. That being speed. They should just have made a pause button.
Another thing that kinda bugs me about it is.. the SIZE of the first dungeon. I mean come on, anyone who is new at RPG's is going to get scared for life. You can wander around forever with out really getting anywhere.
Also, I really dont like creating "all" of the characters my self. That is what turned me off with IwD, just one thanks. The rest should be made by someone else.
But, overall a good game, worth the money it costs.
I dont know much about 3rd edition rules, but so far I really enjoyed the new way of chaning class. Nice to see your chracter does sudenly lose all memory of what they had been doing to the last 10 levels. :D

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 6:41 am
by Dragonqueen
I think 3rd is much better than 2nd; easier to understand and it seems more realistic(as realistic as fantasy can be) somehow.

But while I think it's really sweet that we have a 3rd ed. pc game, it seems to me that all the time and effort they put into PoR was just to make it pretty and 3-dimensional. It seems to be nothing more than hack-and-slash *cough*Diablo 3*cough*, the characters are as dull as tacks, and what they left out with choices of class, race, and other things only made it more limited. I realize there's only so much one can do with a computer rpg, but when I compare this to BG2, I'm glad I only paid $35 for this one.

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 2:30 pm
by Rhea
Originally posted by Dragonqueen:
<STRONG>I think 3rd is much better than 2nd; easier to understand and it seems more realistic(as realistic as fantasy can be) somehow.

But while I think it's really sweet that we have a 3rd ed. pc game, it seems to me that all the time and effort they put into PoR was just to make it pretty and 3-dimensional. It seems to be nothing more than hack-and-slash *cough*Diablo 3*cough*, the characters are as dull as tacks, and what they left out with choices of class, race, and other things only made it more limited. I realize there's only so much one can do with a computer rpg, but when I compare this to BG2, I'm glad I only paid $35 for this one.</STRONG>

I aboslutely agree with you. I'm playing it through, mainly as a time-killer, but it's so limited compared to what I've come to expect. I used the *cough* Diablo comparison myself on another board. :D

If you think of it as ye old hack-and-slash, it's ok. If you think of it as a real CRPG, you'll be disappointed.

[ 10-10-2001: Message edited by: Rhea ]