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monk help

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 12:07 pm
by v1k1ng
so i was reading about the monk. what bothers me is his protection from opportunity attacks. he gets IMPROVED UNARMED ATTACK which protects him from opport. attacks while attacking with his fists. the real thing that bothers me is this. tumble is his CS, and it also saves you from opport. attacks while moving around. after i get dodge and mobility, i am able to use spring-attack which gives me complete protection from opport. attacks while moving around.

but what now? should i raise tumble and dont take spring-attack to save 1 feat and spend it better, or should i take spring-attack and leave tumble at 0 so i can spend the points in an other skill. or should i have both?

IMO, i would take only 1 of these. also, tumble gives me +1 to AC every 5 levels of tumble (so with level20 i get +4 AC which is very good).

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 9:41 pm
by Ripuanewhole
Dodge and Mobility are worthless feets unless you need them to get a prestige class. All you need to do is pump your tumble up to 15, and you are completely immune to attacts of opportunity. The one thing that irritates me about tumble is that it doesn't appear to give you a bonus to AC. Even with this irritation, tumble is still an invaluable skill. Nearly every build should include enough skill points in tumble to get your final level to 15... even if you have to take a penalty.

Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:25 pm
by Claudius
tumble gives ac every 10 hard points spent (not modified by dex score)

spring attack is good if you don't have tumble and I think even tumble has penalties to checks if you make too many of them the same round?? Either that or its just that you have more chances to roll a one. Either way spring attack is the way to go if you want to run around with impunity and create chaos but I'd only take it if I was going Shadowdancer with extra feats to spare. Weapon master must take it. Its a good way to give your comrades attacks of opportunity if you have drawn agro and they chase you.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:46 am
by v1k1ng
Claudius wrote:tumble gives ac every 10 hard points spent (not modified by dex score) nope, its +1 AC every 5 points of tumble

spring attack is good if you don't have tumble and I think even tumble has penalties to checks if you make too many of them the same round?? i think not. its not written anywhere in the faqs so not.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:29 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
Ripuanewhole wrote:The one thing that irritates me about tumble is that it doesn't appear to give you a bonus to AC.
There are a couple of Ac bonuses which don't appear in NWN2. For example, the Duelist and Monk AC bonuses don't show. So I guess the same goes for tumble.