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solo sorc stuck in abazigal

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:30 pm
by darkc3
hi guys. im playin a solo sorc lv 40 and improved abazigal is so hardcore, im afraid i cant beat him... i have all improved battles. i already did tough illasera and gronmir.

my game is clean... i mean theres only the oficial patch + g3 fixpack + safe xp cap + ascension mod. im wearing: robe of vecna, ac3 braces, lavander ion stone, boots of speed, cloak of mirrors, amulet of seldarine, 1 ring of gaxx, 1 ring of fire resistance. diff: core rules all the way, startin from soa.


Lv 1: Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Spook
Lv 2: Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Knock, Invisible, WEB
Lv 3: Skull Trap, Haste, Melf’s Minute Meteor, Dispel Magic, Remove Magic
Lv 4: Stone Skin, Minor Spell Sequencer, Greater Malison, Far Sight, Spider Spawn
Lv 5: Sunfire, Breach, Spell Immunity, Summon Skelly, Lower Magic Resistance
Lv 6: Death Spell, Mislead, Protection from Magical Weapons, True Sight, Contingency
Lvl 7: Delayed Blast Fireball, Mordenkainen's Sword, Spell Sequencer, Project Image, Ruby Ray of Reversal
Lv 8: Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Spell Trigger, Simulacrum, Incendiary Cloud, Pierce Shield
Lv 9: Chain contingency, Time Stop, Wish, Imprisonment, Comet, Dragons Breath, Energy blades, Improved Alacracity, Spell trap, Summon Dark planetar.

well thats it.. do i have any chance to finish the game over ascension? thx!

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 6:19 pm
by Saros
darkc3 wrote:hi guys. im playin a solo sorc lv 40 and improved abazigal is so hardcore, im afraid i cant beat him... i have all improved battles. i already did tough illasera and gronmir.

my game is clean... i mean theres only the oficial patch + g3 fixpack + safe xp cap + ascension mod. im wearing: robe of vecna, ac3 braces, lavander ion stone, boots of speed, cloak of mirrors, amulet of seldarine, 1 ring of gaxx, 1 ring of fire resistance. diff: core rules all the way, startin from soa.


Lv 1: Magic Missile, Protection from Evil, Chromatic Orb, Identify, Spook
Lv 2: Melf’s Acid Arrow, Mirror Image, Knock, Invisible, WEB
Lv 3: Skull Trap, Haste, Melf’s Minute Meteor, Dispel Magic, Remove Magic
Lv 4: Stone Skin, Minor Spell Sequencer, Greater Malison, Far Sight, Spider Spawn
Lv 5: Sunfire, Breach, Spell Immunity, Summon Skelly, Lower Magic Resistance
Lv 6: Death Spell, Mislead, Protection from Magical Weapons, True Sight, Contingency
Lvl 7: Delayed Blast Fireball, Mordenkainen's Sword, Spell Sequencer, Project Image, Ruby Ray of Reversal
Lv 8: Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting, Spell Trigger, Simulacrum, Incendiary Cloud, Pierce Shield
Lv 9: Chain contingency, Time Stop, Wish, Imprisonment, Comet, Dragons Breath, Energy blades, Improved Alacracity, Spell trap, Summon Dark planetar.

well thats it.. do i have any chance to finish the game over ascension? thx!
Well, you certainly have some flaws in your equipment and spell choice, but I think you can do it. With a lot of reloading, no doubt, yet it is doable.

First of all, for the last Ascension battle many solo mages/sorcerers deploy the CC-3* Projected image set on Helpless, and summon a PI in the beginning of the fight, thus activating the CC and spawning 3 more PIs. Unfortunately, with the G3 fixpack this is impossible(G3 fixes this exploit), so you'll have a tough time. I've done it in a no-reload insane, and I may say it was very unpleasant.

Now to Azi's fight. I hope you deploy scrolls to protect your Sorcerer? When I play a solo Sorcerer, I buff before any major fight. Since a Sorcerer cannot pick spells like Protection from Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity and Magic Energy, I have scrolls with these spells which I replicate with Projected Images or Simulacra before each major fight and cast my main PC. Protections from scrolls last 10 turns, which should be sufficient. Believe me, in Azi's battle you'll need all of the elemental protections + protection from poison granted from the ring of Gaxx. Also, you should consider casting Spirit armor in the same manner(before the fight).

Secondly, the Cloak of Mirroring is irrelevant to a Mage/Sorcerer. Since any Mage/Sorcerer can be(and should be) at any time protected from all kind of spell damage. So, I'd say that an Improved Cloak of Protection is better for a solo arcane caster.

Third, I see you're wearing the Amulet of Seldarine. For a sorcerer, this is very silly. You see, when you cast Improved Alacrity, you must release as many spells as quickly as you can. And IA must be cast at greatest speed. That means - at all time wear maximum casting time reducing items - Amulet of Power + Robe of Vecna.

I'd also say that a solo Sorcerer needs a boost in his THAC0 and hit points rather than AC, so I'd say that the Pale Green ioun stone and the Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise are a better choice. ANyway, your AC must be at all times covered by the spell Spirit Armor which sets your AC at 1(while the bracers set at 3, so their effect is negated by the spell anyway). Also, this spell provides you with bonus to your Spells saving throw(+3 bonus).

The Ring of Fire resistance(again) looks very silly on a Mage/Sorcerer who should be always protected by Protection from Fire. A Ring of Wizardry is far more appropriate.

I have killed Ascension Azi on Insane with a solo Wizard-Slayer(one of the most restricted classes) so a solo sorcerer should really have no problems whatsoever.

Be sure you've prepared a Spell Trigger with 3 Lower Resistance Spells before the fight, as well as a Spell Sequencer with 3 Skull Trap spells and a Minor with 2 Magic Missiles.

Now, when you have your equipment fixed, buff well and go into battle. Buffing should also include Haste in addition to the buffs above(I see you don't have Improved Haste which is a big mistake),and Spell Immunity Abjuration(last of the buffs because it's short-lasting).

I suggest you imbibe a Brine Potion or activate a Greenstone Amulet charge before entering the cave, because Tamah has several Psionic attacks at her disposal. Also, she uses a Sleep effect, which should be negated by the Greenstone Amulet.

Focus on Tamah. Ignore the other by casting Protection from Magical weapons, or better still, prepare a Chain Contingency with this spell and 2 more, like Mordenkainen's sword and Simulacrum(for decoys, although Simmy can actually do a lot of things). Cast Improved Alacrity, and cast your Spell Trigger, Sequencer and Minor Sequencer ,after that cast enough Skull Traps to kill Tamah. Don't delay with Horrid Wiltings, you'll probably get Wing Buffeted and after that Pierce Magicked. After Tamah dies, focus on the small ones. They are magic resistant, but not immune to Imprisonment, which is your answer here. Of course, try Imprisoning them with Simmy or PI, and keep your main character away from harm. Don't attack Azi until you've killed/imprisoned all of the small ones. You may try Incendiary Cloud, yet I doubt that will work effectively enough, save from the fact that you may hurt Azi and if he turns into a dragon, things'll get nasty. Oh yeah, kill the salamanders too. You may try Mordy Swords, but be advised that Azi will cast Disintegrate on them. Yet, if you summon enough via PI, as well as some Dark Planetars, this will do the trick. Be wary that your Dark Planetar didn't hurt Azi. Dragon Breath can also harm the small ones, again - don't hurt Azi.

When you kill everyone except Azi, summon PIs, protect them with PfMW, let Azi attack them, and Wish via IA and 3-4 wishes. Wish until rest. Before Wishing for Rest, recharge your Spell Trigger, Sequencer and Minor Sequencer of course. When you feel ready enough, summon a Simmy, buff well(SI: A, D and Evocation also), and send some Mordy Swords to harm Azi enough for him to turn into Dragon. Use your Lower Resistance Trigger, then Breach him so that swords will hurt him, and release your Magic Missiles, Skull Traps and Dragon Breaths on him. Advice - don't kill him during Time Stop, because a bug occurs and he becomes immortal. Also don't retreat to the Pocket Plane even if you have the space and chance to do it.

Another must-have spell for solo Ascension is Spell Shield. I see you lack that one, it will be a major problem in the last battle.

Another thing - I hope you've collected at least 2 Wish scrolls? Well keep those on a quick-slot for more Wishes when you activate a PI or Simmy.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:43 pm
by darkc3
I really thank you Saros, i made it. The key is to create a decoy. Ive killed Abazigal in about 10-15 minutes. I have managed this way:
1. as soon as i entered the field: timestop; improved alacracity; spell sequencer (3 lower res on tamah); CC (3 abis cuz they were close each others: tamah, abazigal and the drags); simulacra (the key, cuz they wont go on me when time stop ends); 3 more abis. After that timestop is about to end so i just ran away, not so far cuz i cant miss them.
2. I quickly cast a PI (before IA ends, it goes a bit later than timestop); than i cast timestop + improved alacracity again (using the PI). And now is the time to go with everythin i have. I just spam more abis (3-4), skull traps(6), sunfires(6), Imprisonment (if some drag is still alive). When timestop ends they all might go down, and Abazigal is about to breath me. Yeah hes now a dragon.
3. At this point, tamah is dead (if not just reload, sometimes also appear some drags cuz they go invisible but it wont matter now). Abazigal came to me very quickly, i had to summon a sword and run away to cast timestop + improved alacracity again (i have no needs to use PI´s now); i just summon 2 planetars and hasted them and i turn into ravager. So thats it, BRUTAL FORCE. Abazigal died in some secs.

I really appreciate the tips. Ive changed my equips and buffed properly. Im just not sure if ring of wizardry works on sorcs cuz we dont memorize spells. By the way, my decoy (simulacra) distracted them and most important kept them together so i just spammed abi-dalzim's horrid wilting. About spell choices theres been so long since my last ran from this game i couldnt remember with details. See ya soon. Probably im gonna need some more help in the last battle.

ps: sorry about my bad english, im brazilian.

Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2007 12:15 am
by Saros
Well, you're certainly making your life harder and harder by turning into the Ravager...because at the end your Reputation will not be enough to join Balthazar. I really don't envy you.

A little tip on the last Ascension battle - collect a Demon army. Meaning, capture a Baalor during the pool fights via Control Demon(ability gained from one of the pools there). Then use the demon's Gate ability to summon more. Gate replenishes in a while. And the new demons that come will too have Gate. Gate in demons, occasionally Imprisoning some. When you collect 30-40, imprison all and after that start preparation for the final fight.