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A Fresh Party
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 11:53 am
by Lucius
I've been wanting to tackle Icewind Dale and the expansion for a long while now, and finally have my chance. I've played through before with a fairly fighter heavy party, as far as Lower Dorn's Deep, but this time I plan on slaughtering my way through the entire game. I'm really wanting to play with four party members for a change this time, and was wondering if people would mind evaluating my party members that I've decided on so far.
They are : Fighter/Thief
I'm also really considering using a Ranger, and duel classing him with a bard, if that is at all possible. If it is, what do you guys think? If not, do you think the above characters, with a Ranger and a Bard would make a good group?
Any advice on my party would be vastly appreciated. I'm really not too sure where I'm going with this one, and could do with a push in the right direction.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:09 pm
by kmonster
Your party isn't very powerful, but it will be able to beat the game.
You don't get access to cleric spell and bards don't get as many spells as mages but you have covered the basics, priest, a thief, some fighting and arcane spell power.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:39 pm
by Lucius
Thanks for the quick reply kmonster. I'm quite pleased with the idea of the game being a little more of a challange with a four man party. The only thing that's stopping me using this party now is the idea of the Ranger Dual Classed with a Bard. Is that even possible? And if so, what level do you think I should have him become a Bard?
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:07 pm
by kmonster
You cannot dualclass ranger with bard. Dualing is only possible for combinations you can choose as multiclass at creation. Rangers can only dual to cleric and bards cannot dual at all.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:14 pm
by Lucius
Damnation! That's a real shame. I'm a huge fan of the Bard class, but they just seem a little lacking with the missile weapons, even with a hige Dex score and points in bows. Ah well, never mind. Looks like my party will have to be a Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Druid, Bard and Ranger then. Still, I think they'll do nicely!
Thanks for your time, kmonster!
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 8:52 pm
by Aerich
I'm not sold on the party, even though it's ok.
I've got no issue with the F/T and F/D, assuming they are multiclassed. If they are dual-classed, you will have to give some thought as to when they dual over, as you may be missing healer power early or thief skills at a critical time (e.g. last level of Dragon's Eye).
Assuming that the ranger will be your front line fighter, I think you might get more mileage out of a paladin. Will your bard sing or shoot? If the latter, you might be better served with a mc or dc fighter/mage.
Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 3:40 am
by ultramarine
A team of 4 can be easier than a team of 6 because they level faster. A F/T and F/D is great! Can't duel a ranger to bard. But you can make a R/C for your 3rd character. Then add a Bard for the 4th.
Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 1:32 am
by GawainBS
Despite being a huge fan of bards, I'd add a F/M in his stead, if you plan on going through HoF. Bards can't learn beyond 8th level spells, and even then at their highest level, while F/M learn, eventually, 9th level spells and shoot/fight better, especially if he/she is dualclassed.