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Ordinators Want to Kill Me

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:58 pm
by Ironwolf1970
I accidently hit a high ordinator during a fight and now they all come after me. How can I fix this and get back in their good graces. LOL

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 5:17 pm
by fable
You started a thread like this earlier. I replied in it to use our search function to get your answer, since it's been asked and answered in depth, already. Search does work, and I used "ordinator" to immediately find the information you want. Extensively. So it's there.

As mentioned before, the site owner doesn't want duplicative threads. They slow down boards--one ES3 board that permits questions to be asked over and over simply took the step of deleting their forum database prior to the last few days of posts. We don't want to do that, since people find our past threads very useful. So please--try search.

Thread closed.