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The End (MotB, SPOILERS)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 2:13 pm
by ashtaroth
I am dissapointed. I did the romance with Gann, i ended the game and lo and behold, the worst epilogue in the history of ****. It literarely summed up about 15 years or 3 more expansions in the course of 1 bloody minute. "For years i traveled many planes(ive never had the pleasure of it except in nwn1, i assure you dip****, thanks for taking that away), i then returned to the Westcoast (which was my greatest wish for an expansion or large plugin) I returned to my former companions(<-again...) and I marry Gann?! Wtf?! And then maybe you went somewhere else". Wow, great ending, skip a few years, end the characters life and wrap it up, i heard obsidian left a hole but man was that a small one.

End of rant. Now you can proceed to flame me or something, i was just venting anyway.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:16 pm
by AvatarOfLight
Have you read the final pages to the lord of the rings trilogy? Some authors prefer to have their stories end with a description of pretty much all the main characters their lives to their very deaths. Some people enjoy this closure. I'm not one of them personally, but I think it's unjust to call all this a hole. Just my opinion.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:53 pm
by ashtaroth
I meant hole as in "possibility for progress". But yes that too.

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 8:18 pm
by TriStaN
I liked the ending very much. It gives some interesting informations, but is not too narrow to prevent another expansion. I mean, apart from having found khelgar and having returned to your castle, what is there exactly? You are not that, neither did you find all you companions.
The ending was perfect.

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:18 pm
by Loki[D.d.G]
You can read other opinions of the game [url=""]here.[/url]